
Whats your opinion? ?

by  |  earlier

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My bf moved in with me recently with all his stuff, some of which is his bedding. Anyway, I have seen some pics of his ex gf sitting on a duvet that he has brought here. I really dont want to use it now as everytime I see it I think of her. He doesnt see what the problem is. Am I being a bit weird? Please give me your honest opinion?




  1. Why the h**l has he brought picture of his ex girlfriend to your house!!!

    Throw the pictures and the duvet out and buy a new set!!!

  2. I would be more concerned about the pictures than the duvet

    Presumably you change the covers regularly for washing anyhow,

  3. your not being weird your just curious which is fine if i was you i would be feeling like that just talk to him and tell him how you feel good luck x

  4. Why does he have pics of his ex girlifriend?! It's not like they were even married! It's okay for you because it's for your children. You're not being funny at all. Your bf is just weird! And why are they on the duvet? You should tell him what the problem is, you will feel odd because you feel he wants a keep a part of his past. YOU'RE his gf now and he needs to have pics of YOU not his ex.
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