
Whats your opinions on these names craig shaun adam jason and megan

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Whats your opinions on these names craig shaun adam jason and megan




  1. craig - i like this name, simple yet nice

    shaun - i don't really like this one

    adam - good name, strong for a boy

    jason - not keen

    megan - very pretty, one of my favourite girls names

  2. Megan is a pretty name but im confused are you looking for a boy or girl name

  3. Good solid names you've chosen there.  I'd spell Shaun as Sean though.  Megan is a beautiful name.  

    Adam and Craig are my favourite boys names from your list but they are all good names - well done.

  4. Since Adam's my son's name, I'm gonna have to two thumbs up on that one!

  5. i like them all good solid real names, favourite for a boy is Craig, but all good

  6. I like Craig Shaun a lot.

    Adam and Megan are too popular for me, although they are both nice names, and used to be on my favorites list.

  7. I Like adam the best.

  8. They are all way to common

  9. yay my name is megan =)

    im obsessed with it lol

    and it sounds great with michelle as a middle name lol

  10. Craige - Nope! reminds me of a cage.

    Shaun - I prefer Sean or Shawn

    Adam - Simple and timless awsome!

    Jason - eh.. nope.

    Megan - Cute!

  11. I like all of those names I love the name Megan. My son is called Adam so thats a definate like lol.

  12. I really like the name Adam

  13. I LOVE the name ADAM... =]

  14. Very nice!

  15. very very common...i think everyone knows someone called those names.  

  16. Jason and Megan are my favs

  17. I think they're all common names and they're all nice names. I personally don't care for Craig too much.  but the rest are okay

  18. The only name I like is Jason.

  19. they`re all chavtastic

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