
Whats your oppinion on this story idea?? I have mutiple feelings for it . ?

by  |  earlier

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A girl and her friends sneak out to go to a party (3) . The party is absolutly great. On the way home they get into a car crash and only one survives (the main character) . when she gets out of the hospital she has continuous dreams of her 2 friends talking to her about things . They tell her its not her fault and everything is okay . She cant stop mourning over the loss , they were her life . .Her mom decides they need to get away from that place in order for her daughter to recover from the terrible experience . The main character enrolls in a new school . As soon as life seems to become less hectic a new guy comes to school . Theres something about him that intoxicates her . one night a dream of her friends greets her once more . They tell her hes not what he seems . And she becomes eager to discover what lies beyond his gorgeous features.

To me this idea seems like a reoccuring thing between stories . but i cant get the idea out of my head . tell me what you think




  1. is he going to be a vampire?

  2. It seems like it's been done before. Try injecting fresh ideas in to each concept of the story, or adding inconspicious minor details that may turn out to be major key points in the plot.  Maybe there was something that happened at the party that causes her to see her friends in her dreams...or something?  

  3. i think it sounds like a cool story

  4. I don't know, but it sounds a lot like Twilight to me...

    Try revising it and making it something original.

  5. It sounds like the plot of a boring, overdone, uninteresting teenage/young adult novel. If you enjoy writing, keep at it, but don't recycle plots from every young adult novel written since the 1970s.

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