
Whats your pet peeve on the train?

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(on the packed tube)This man yesterday yawned in my face as i was reading my book and his breath nearly ripped off the first layers on my skin.

I looked up at him and said 'thank you, that was lovely' and walked off.

What things to you have about being on the tube..

Fellow Americans join in . . . :-)




  1. i really hate it when someone sits next to me and looks at me alot whilst im reading etc.

    then when i say excuse me to get off they just move there legs instead of standing up to let you past so i have to practically climb over them


  2. People playing their music loud. I mean with those little speakers, not just headphones. The sound quality on them is always rubbish, I don't know why they bother.

  3. I can't stand it when people talk extremely loud on their cell phones as if the entire train wants to hear their conversation.  So annoying!

  4. The tappity tap of other peoples music on their headphones and people having long boring conversations on their mobiles telling other people that 'I am on the train'.

  5. People who sit with their legs open.

  6. I am from the UK and it is people talking at the top of their voice on mobile phones or really loud MP3 players - grrrr..

  7. the graffitti...its just see this amazing graffitti art on tv programs...well..where is it for real, eh?!...I dont mind looking at good graffitti art, its amazing...but I am not so impressed by black marker pen writing saying "Your Mum is a c*ck"

  8. All of the previous answers but someone sniffing constantly really makes me sick.I just want to offer a tissue so they can blow their nose

  9. Im from the Uk.

    But one time, I had a family come on, 2 adults and about 5 children, and a baby, the baby would not stop crying- wich is fair enough, I guess baby's cry, lol, but the nan did nothing but shout at this kid, and the baby's crying was just so loud, that people where acctually leaving the carrige and standing in the part where the door is- inbetween the carriges. This lasted for literally, about an hour! =/

    I also hate it when people sitting infront of you decide to put really whiney dance music on, or any music really, from their phone- with no concideration for other people.

  10. In the U.K. It's the obligatory drunk Scotsman

  11. People pushing up against me almost deliberately, women flicking their hair into my face and those who shout c**p into their mobiles.  There is a time and a place to have long and un-necessary phonecalls and the train isnt one.

  12. I hate when I am sitting down next to someone who I don't know, and I'll be on my cell phone texting. Then they look over and read what I am texting.

  13. the last time i got on a train two things happened.

    1. a wasp flew in and wouldnt stop trying to take me on

    2. a dude got on with a mac who was covered in water - soaked! note - it was a steaming hot day and where did he sit? next to me - why do the nutters sit next to me? or should i say why did they - havent used public transport since i started driving - unless i am oooof to the pub then i gotta cab one in!

    foXhound soLid


  14. In America, it's people with i-pod headphones.   The cheap ones that allow everyone to hear what you are listening to.  I really don't want to hear what you are listening to.  That and bad hygeine during rush hour.  There is nothing worse than being forced to stand next to someone who stinks, or is wearing more perfume than all the women at a strip club combined.  Man, now that you got me thinking, there are a lot of things aren't there?  Crazy people, bad hygiene, loud cell phone talkers, guys that f**t, people who don't stand back from the doors so you can get off the train, etc etc etc...

    Here in China, it's smoking.  I had an eight our train ride from Beijing to Taishan, and the guy in the bunk below me chainsmoked the entire way.  Egh.

  15. smelly people

  16. i cant go on the tube, im terrfied. especially when i see someone with a fitness first bag, :|  i get so scared there gonna bomb!

  17. When people talk reli loudly on the phone and you can hear their entire conversations

  18. People talking very loudly on their mobile phones. Especially when they feel the need to announce to the person on the other end that they're on a train, and then detail their entire journey.

    I was once on a train where it was packed, so there were several people stood out in the corridor. This one girl was on her mobile, talking about absolute rubbish, and you could see everyone there was trying not to grab that phone and throw it out of the window. There was a collective sigh of relief when she hung up.

  19. looooooool i LOVE your response xD. i hate it when someones burping or eating sloppily an stuff. makes me wanna puke. also if someones really sweaty its like ewww

  20. Idiots are my pet peeve on the train.  Waiting on the underground last week a crowd of around 4 adults and 7 children came down to the platform.  The adults were pretty drunk and still drinking from bottles, the children were running about wild.  Peoples hearts were in their mouths as they were sure someone was going to fall off the platform. It was Sat teatime and these kids kept bumping bags of things people had bought, one pushed the other in to one of mine which had glassware in it and I said "Do you mind?". The adults were encouraging the children. They then got on the train and sort of separated. One male adult sat behind me with a boy around 10yrs and across other 2 boys about the same age.  I thought with the booze he was joking when he told the boys to act as if they were sleeping when the collector came for the money.......he wasn't. I was so pis-ed off with them by this time I told the collector they weren't sleeping tee hee hee!!!  Bit mean I suppose but I couldn't resist it.

  21. Perverts.

    Disgusting creeps equal to a fatal infectious disease; these loathsome things that think they can lay a finger on a girl/woman and get away with it.

    I like to kick them in the balls or face.

    The 2nd thing thing that pisses me off is how people think they can stuff their fatasses into an already crowded train; thus,

    a. causing the train to run even later

    b. making everyone insanely uncomfortable

    c. except for the perverts, who now have it easier in pulling their sh*t.

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