
Whats your prefered method of punching?

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Karate style using index finger 2 top knuckles on impact .


Chinese ..bottom 3 knuckles from pinkie end on impact.




  1. Boxing. It is the style all the other styles copy when they drop the c**p and get serious.

    MMA, full contact karate or full contact anything ends up looking like boxing style punches eventually.

    There is a reason 30 million guys all trying to get the 50 million dollar paydays of boxing use it. Because it works the best.

  2. Kick to the groin works better than both of those.

  3. Wow, there are some really ridiculous answers here...

    I don't think what knuckles to hit with when I'm punching someone or something. It all depends on the angle of the punch, and I don't fight my body to make sure I hit with a certain knuckle group. My jab and cross typically hit with the pinky to middle knuckle, as does my hook to the body. If I'm throwing a circular strike over someone's hands then it usually only lands with the first knuckle. I throw two different uppercuts, one at slightly longer range which is more like an angled vertical punch using the first two (karate style) and my close range uppercut which usually lands with the last three since my palm is facing me, etc. So there is no "preferred" punching method, the angle of attack dictates what knuckles land.

  4. well boxing is great for punching, even though im not a boxing all the way. AAnyways two knuckle punch work very well

  5. I prefer a good old fashioned 4 knuckle sandwich

    All that other c**p is for g*y boys

  6. am a boxer, who cares what knuckle you hit with ?

    my best punch is my right hand. rotate hips and shoulders fully extend your arm turning your fist at the last moment, nail someone with that and its lights out

  7. Never had one.

    I just close my fist and hit the area where it's most effective.

  8. ive never heard of punching with your bottom 3 knuckles.... seems like you could hurt your hand pretty bad and i dont think it would really hurt either...

  9. It depends on what range I'm at, what level I am punching at and where the openings happen to be as to which punch I chose and then from there it is the punch that is chosen that dicatates the contact surface area of the attack...

    If I was to choose one favourite punch it'd be an overhand hook though I just love how unpredictable they are and how you can covert a straight into one quite easily to drive through a defence, always leaves a shocked expression on their face when they intercept it high and you drive it into their sternum.

  10. I prefer the five knuckle jawbreaker, a good old eye gouging, followed by a Chuck Norris inspired roundhouse to finish :)

  11. I find a finger poke in the eye works well.

  12. trouble finding an exit from the paper bag ?

  13. does it really matter

    before you throw a punch do you think okay im gunna hit him with these 2 knuckles

    or do you think okay hit here, then there, watch this counter, kick here, then solid hit right there, his guard should have dropped a little

  14. RJ has made the most sense here so far. I agree with much of what he said.  I'm familiar with the Chinese punch you mention using the three smaller knuckles. As long as you turn the wrist so that you line up the bones in the hand so that the knuckles you hit with are lined up in a straight line with the wrist you can use either type of punch. The Chinese punch is known in one of the styles I studied as a sun punch. Thrown as a verticle punch we keep the wrist bent down until the instant of contact where it is turned up causing the three smallest knuckles to deliver the punch.

    Bottom line is that I don't see that either type of punch is superior. It all boils down to using which ever punch or technique is best at that moment in time. you can't predict what the other guy is going to do so you must respond as required.  To decide what you are going to do before hand is to often find that you must change your tactics because things did not work out the way you planned. Best to be well trained and be able to "Respond" to rather than "React" to the attacker.

  15. Below the belt works for me

  16. It really depends on what I'm trying to achieve.

    Absolute destruction is not always the best approach.

    Often times demoralization is plenty to end a fight.

  17. Karate style definatly, much more of an impact

  18. What is your mental age?

  19. Jab to the gut followed by an uppercut to the jaw.


  20. It depends on when and where I'm throwing the punch...

    Each opening presents a different opportunity and the opening itself tells you what the best thing to do is.

    You don't decide what to do, your opponent tells you what to do.

    If they leave an opening where a Chinese punch would work best, then the Chinese punch is the preferred punch.  If its an opening that is more effectively exploited with a Karate punch, the Karate punch is the preferred punch.

    I can't say what IS best, only what is the best IN A GIVEN SITUATION.  That situation varies from moment to moment.

    That said, I prefer the most effective punch (or technique of any kind) that the opening I see allows.  I prefer the effective technique - which isn't anything in particular.

  21. For punching, I prefer the modified boxing style, Krav Maga or Muay Thai style, the two are similar, dynamic and ready for the streets.

    What system works best for you, go to a heavy bag, see what's comfortable and then go into the octagon, see what works against opponents

  22. uppercut.....<^><........

  23. i like to stand up and use the heel of my hand to press down hard in one sharp movement

    you can punch several sheets of paper at once that way

  24. karate, otherwise i'd probably break my hand lol

  25. T'ang fist - first 2 knuckles hit, forefinger flat against base of thumb web and thumb curled over tip/first joint of forefinger. Other 3 fingers curled into palm of hand. Thumb grip tightens hand and tucks down so not deflected like boxing high thumb grip. Basic Okinawan Shorei-Ryu grip. This is bare hand grip- in sparring with gloves usually end up with a boxing high thumb grip because can't curl thumb in soft padded gloves. Straight punch with body twist  mostly - sometimes scored(or drew blood) with whipping branch back knuckle strikes with same grip.  Is the grip I teach the teenagers learning a bit of self defense after church- they aren't picked on at school .

  26. To rely on one technique is a mistake.  To rely on all techniques is a mistake.

    I know a thousand ways to use my hands as weapons, and there are a thousand more I have not discovered yet.

    Every technique has it's use.

  27. If you are femaile think of the kick boxing idea. Kick the air at knee height, waist height and if you are fit enough head height. if you a male and fighting a male most punch hard learn to block at classes such as judo or kick boxing. As a child I was taught Judo for a couple of years I learnt how to fall safely and block punches, kicks and falls. this is much better as it teaches respect. The person who you are fighting will learn to give up as you will be the stonger person for blocking and not fighting.

    Trust me try it. Most people get tired quicker when they fight. Also it helps leaning to talk your way out of stuff.

    good luck

    Trudy X

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