
Whats your rabbits cage like?

by  |  earlier

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Were building our rabbits a cage, and i was wondering what yours was like, so i could get some ideas.




  1. It is a wire cage with a door. Then there is a plastic bin underneath that olds newspaper. If anything falls into there that should have gone into the potty, it is really easy to clean up. Her cage always stays open and, it is on two tables. She has access to run around on the tables all the time.

  2. a hole

  3. I don't have a rabbit but I have a ferret. I bought his cage off ebay, its a double storie cage with a ramp with slip protection( wateva its called), and three doors one on top, one Im the sleeping area and one downstairs. The cage is really intended for rabbits so I added a section to mine. Hope I helped

  4. i have my two bonded rabbits in two dog exercise pens joined together. the pen is 8 feet by 4 feet, and it is in "the bunny room". you can see a picture of it here...

    i do not recommend a rabbit be kept in a cage smaller than 4 x 2 feet, and this is in addition to 4 hours of exercise time outside of the cage per day.

    you can also make a rabbit condo with multiple levels out of cube grids.  they are versatile and can be configured to fit any size space.  this link has directions on how to build, where to get the supplies, as well as a picture gallery of other people's condos.

    i never recommend a rabbit be kept outside or in a wire-bottom cage.  they have sensitive feet and the wire can cause infections known as sore hocks.

    why you should always keep bunnies inside...

  5. The measurements are: Four feet off of the ground, six feet long, and three feet wide.

    It is divided into three sections; two parts are two seperate doors to the same section, with wire fronts, wooden backs and sides, and wire bottoms. The third section is completely blocked in by wood with a 'cat flap' that lets your rabbit in and out.  This third part is stuffed with hay for the winter so that it can retain heat.  The roof has about a six inch hangover to block rain and is covered in shingles.

    Do NOT have wire bottoms on your cages as this can result in broken nails and sore hocks, as well as deformities.  I have moved my rabbit inside because of this happening(broken nails).

  6. My cage is basic. all you need is a cage in which the bunny can stretch out (and are very long) litter and food and water.

  7. My rabbits have their own room (like a house cat).

    All I can suggest it to make sure they have a resting board, and there are no sharp edges or places for limbs to get caught.

    Also consider a dog pen. You can place them anywhere inside, and it is healthier for the bunny

  8. I made my rabbit a pen out of Neat Idea Cubes. It's about 5' by 4'. He's litter trained, so he has access to the whole upstairs of the house during the day when we're home, but he stays in the pen at night and when we go out. He's got a litter box in the cage, so on the floor of it, I just put a fleece blanket so he wouldn't chew at the rug. There's no real "flooring."

    You can also use those cubes to make a "cage"-style cage, but I found a pen was easier because it's simpler for the rabbit to enter and exit and the litterbox is more accessible for cleaning. With a pen, the rabbit has his own space but it isn't so isolated from the rest of the family. That's very important when housing rabbits - they need their OWN space, especially if you expect them to be reliably litter trained, but they really do best when they're close to people.

    Here's an article about making the "cage"-style cage i mentioned.

  9. My rabbits don't have a cage. They're free range but you can use an exercise pen.

    There are more housing tips here

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