
Whats your real life Twilight moment.?

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This is kinda weird but I have this condition where my hands and feet are always cold because of decreased circulation. So I'm literally cold to the touch.

SO what are your strange encounters on all things twilight. Big or not I want to hear about it!!!!!!




  1. I wish one would happen to me, let you know when it does

  2. So I'm really pale! It's sooo hard to find the right shade of makeup! It's horrible cause I live in cali. where it's always sunny, and I'm always outside but for some reason my skin is always super pale almost like paper....Well maybe that's alittle too far. But you get my point.  :)

  3. Good question. Let's see, some Twilight moments...

    No matter how cold the air conditioner is, I don't need a jacket to keep warm! I don't really feel cold! Lol, I'm pulling a Jacob here. ;)

    This is really weird. I have these dreams that somehow happen in reality, too! I dreamed once that my friend got a 90 in her test, and -what do you know?- she did get a 90! I always call them premonitions, even before I knew Twilight series!


  4. I decided not to jump off a cliff when my crush left. Isn't that sweet. Ugh. Bella is retarded, and Edward is abusive. Together they make up the bestest couple in history.


  5. omg im cold all the time 2!!!! & the weird thing is that i can't even feel it, ppl just tell me that my hands r freezing!!!!

  6. have never read twilight. i heard it's good. i don't know if you'd want to know about this. i can sometimes see things that is not of our plain of consciousness. i just feel them most of the time. in my top wardrobe cabinet there's a image of something embedded in the wood grain. i haven't gone home for a long time and nobody stayed in my room the whole time i was away. when i tried visiting, i stayed in my old room. i was about to go to sleep but i was trying to. my room is awash with moonlight. although lights were out, it's pretty bright inside. and then i saw a shadow walk across the room towards my bed and sat on me. i battled for air as i tried to push it of me. i was struggling to get it off and i finally did. i really can't say if i was dreaming because i wasn't. i immediately jumped off the bed and tried to confront whatever that tried to attack me. when nothing happened i went out of room, i ran straight to my parents room  to  ask them if something funny happened to them while i was away. they answered no. anyway...if that was a dream or a hallucination, i don't know.

  7. I have the same name as Bella swan. Exactly, even her middle name. Isabella Marie Swan. Freaky eh.

    I'm going to be moving to Forks when I'm Seventeen.

    I'm never cold. No matter what on earth I do. I never got cold or hot. I just can never feel it.

  8. My best guy friend is literally warm all the time, he never ever gets cold. It's crazy! I might just start calling him Jacob!

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