
Whats your reason to believe?

by  |  earlier

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I'm doing a project on why people believe.

so i want to know what keeps you going, what keeps you believing. i'd enjoy both humorous and serious awnsers.



To believe in anything, to believe in yourself. To believe in others. To believe in the world around u




  1. Actually, I spend most of my time finding ways not to have to believe and still understand how life works.

    Believing is a trap.

  2. people have a need to believe in something even if the belief is to believe in nothing at all ."Give us something to believe in" a foundation on a place in where to put our answers.To have some sort of backing that allows us to know that our answers are correct. Even people who do not follow traditional beliefs have a system to substantiate their  ideals. This allows us to dream , not only when we sleep but threw out our existence . A person who doesn't have a dream or isn't allowed to dreams is a lost person no matter what you believe in .

  3. I simply experience to believe. I cannot stand people telling me to believe their beliefs, when I have no experience with their beliefs or any knowledge whatsoever. I feel brainwashed if they tell me to believe them. That is what keeps me believing that maybe I'll find the truth without tainting from outside sources.

  4. What keeps me going is not belief, but certainty that I can resolve my beliefs into knowledge when the situation warrants it. I go to AA, for example. I do not believe AA works; uh uh, not at all. I KNOW AA works because I'm still sober and so are my friends.

    But do I believe there is a god?

    No, I know there is no god because knowledge is certainty in one's logic.

    That does not mean that I cannot find new data tomorrow that will change my mind; but if that happens I hope it does not leave me "believeing" in a god. I hope it leaves me knowing a god exists.

    My site: Thank you very much for looking at it.

  5. To believe is to accept a thing as being true (truth) or real (reality).

    It is to trust or place one's confidence in something.

    We need to believe in order to confirm our own existence. or you could say that we believe because we exist.

    I exist, therefore I believe that I exist and my reason for believing is that I exist.

    Hope that makes sense.


  6. well, it's kind of hard to believe if you don't even know if anything exists. think about it - how can you prove you exist, or that anything around you exists? you might be dreaming it all...

  7. I think to me belief means that I have decided to act on the assumption that something is true, even if it's not yet been proven to be true.  Sometimes it's not possible for the thing I believe in to be proven true, or it's not practicle or worth the effort to have it proven.

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