
Whats your religion and can you explain it to me?

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i know that there are tons of religions out there and im not familiar with even the tiniest bit of them so i was wondering if i could learn about your religion... i wanna grow tolerant of other religions/beliefs...

you might wanna put in

* what do you believe in (its ok if you dont believe in anything)

*any rules

*any extra details

Thank you so much!!! i appreciate the time you took to answer this question




  1. I am Roman Catholic. Catholics believe that the Eucharist is the living, risen Jesus. It is the same Jesus who appeared to the Apostles (when Thomas was not there). In the words of St. John Vianney, "It's really Him!"

    Catholics also believe in the veneration of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary is our most powerful intercessor. Do not people ask their living friends and relatives to pray for them? How much more powerful, then, is the intercession of God's own Mother, who loved Him perfectly during her life on earth, and to whom He remains obedient in heaven. Mary can pray to God more effectively than you or I ever could.

    The Holy Rosary is an extremely powerful prayer when prayed from the heart, when each Hail Mary is prayed with love and childlike simplicity. (Many will testify to this--St. John Vianney, St. Padre Pio, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, etc.)

    If a king invites you to have dinner with him, this is a great honor. However, if he calls a gathering of the entire kingdom, and proclaims your greatness in front of them so that they may praise and honor you too, this is an even higher honor. In the same way, Jesus, our King, wishes to honor His mother by making her loved and venerated by all. Jesus was so grateful to the woman who poured an expensive ointment over His Head that He proclaimed "In truth I tell you, wherever in all the world this gospel is proclaimed, what she has done will be told as well, in remembrance of her." (Matthew 26:13) If such is His gratitude for this woman's one act of kindness, imagine then, His gratitude for His mother's entire lifetime of love (Mary's "yes" to God ("Be it done to me according to thy word") despite what it would cost her, her pregnancy at a time when she was not yet married and thus her humiliation before St. Joseph and her acquaintances, her nursing of the Son of God, the way she lovingly held and caressed the Divine Child, the clothes she knitted for Him, the meals she prepared for Him, all that she suffered upon seeing her innocent Son so brutally tortured and murdered, etc.)

    God is infinitely happy. He has no need of human praise, so He lets Mary be our Vessel of Devotion.

    The fifteen promises of Mary to Christians who recite the rosary:

    1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.

    2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

    3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against h**l, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.

    4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

    5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.

    6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.

    7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.

    8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death, they shall participate in the merits of the saints in Paradise.

    9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

    10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.

    11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

    12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

    13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life and at the hour of death.

    14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only Son, Jesus Christ.

    15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

    Our Lady has 117 titles. She selected this title at Fatima: "I am the Lady of the Rosary."

    St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying IS- Pray the Rosary.

    St. Thomas Aquinas preached 40 straight days in Rome, Italy on just the Hail Mary.

    St. John Vianney, patron of priests, was seldom seen without a rosary in his hand.

    "The rosary is the scourge of the devil" -- Pope Adrian VI

    "The rosary is a treasure of graces" -- Pope Paul V

    Padre Pio, the stigmatic priest, said: "The Rosary is THE WEAPON"

    Pope Leo XIII wrote 9 encyclicals on the rosary.

    Pope John XXIII spoke 38 times about Our Lady and the Rosary. He prayed 15 decades daily.

    St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort wrote: "The rosary is t

  2. I'm Buddhist

    I believe in evolution, not a creator

    The "rules" are basically moral codes - the typical ones, such as killing, slandering, basically being harmful to any living thing (not just people)

    We're a peaceful religion, only seeking to better ourselves by reaching enlightenment, and in doing so, offering service to the world with good deeds and patient acceptance

    What I like most about my religion, is that we do not have holy wars

  3. Christianity

    I believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior

    I trust him alone for my eternal destiny and the forgiveness of my sins

    I believe there is a day of judgment and there is a literal Heaven and h**l

    without Christ people will stand before God Guilty and be punished Eternally

    If they are forgiven in Christ they will be declared righteous and welcomed into God's presence forever

  4. no religion

    i am an atheist

    no rules except one can't believe in any deities

    no details, it's pretty self-explanatory

  5. I dont have a religion any more

    because like you , I questioned them looking to understand and be tolerant

    then I realised that I couldnt label myself with one religion , when they all have some aspects that made sense to me

    research , study , learn about as many as you can

    its all good... have fun x

  6. My religion is called Konkokyo. It's a little bit similar to the Shinto religion that was already mentioned. It started off in Japan by a Shinto Practitioner named Ikigami Konko Daijin.

    This is what I believe:

    -There is one God, Tenchi-Kane-No-Kami, or Kami-Sama for short, who is the Principle Parent (or Parent Principle) of the Universe.

    -People are open to Kami-Sama in many different ways, and hence we have different religions, and that's okay. However, with all the different rules, regulations and rituals, it's easy to get lost from one's connection with Kami-Sama

    -Many people have tried to reconnect people to Kami-Sama after re-finding their connection. I believe that Ikigami Konko Daijin, who created the Konkokyo religion, taught a way for people to rebuild a bridge to Kami-Sama.

    -In being a Konkokyo practitioner, I pray freely to Kami-Sama, and have an altar to Kami-Sama in my home (not required for the faithful). I always mention Ikigami Konko Daijin's name before I pray, as a sort of recognition that I follow His teachings handed down by Kami-Sama. I feel Tenchi-Kane-No-Kami answers these prayers, and indeed responds in the right way while I am in the meditative state I get to while praying.

    -Another important facet of the Faith is called Toritsugi, or Mediation. This is when you go to a Konkokyo Church and, after praying at the altar, you go to the Minister and tell her/him about what's on your mind. S/He then relays it to Kami-Sama and, from Kami-Sama, gives us teachings so we can find solutions. Kami-Sama is the Parent of All Humanity, and wants to help as much as possible.

    -If a Konkokyo Faithful is unable to attend a church because of financial or distance reasons (Churches are NOT found all over the globe by far), I believe that simply imagining one is at a church will give the same blessings and light of guidance. If a practitioner is comfortably possible to go to a Church, then s/he should.

    -I believe that Kami-Sama loves us all equally, whether we are *******, Mogoloid, Caucasian, Homosexual, Heterosexual, Bisexual, Male, Female, Transgendered, Kind, Hateful, etc. and actively desires to help us, even though we and others cause ourselves and others suffering (Part of God-Given freewill) and therefore will desire those Faithful to be kind to others (or 'save' others from suffering). This is why Kami-Sama initiated Mediation: not to be dependant on a Minister or as a Religious rite, but to help humanity, the much-loved Children of Kami-Sama. Indeed, as explained above, it is not needed to attend Mediation, but it is one of the facets of our faith that make it stand out.

    -There are no restrictions on drinking alcohol, sexual relations that are concenting, legal and adult, or anything else. However, every Konkokyo member MUST act with moral rightness, in that so none other person or being is hurt, and so that no laws are broken  (if not only for the interest of the practioner).

    -Finally, I do not believe in using a pronoun for Kami-Sama. This is not universal amoung Konkokyo, but I believe that it is appropriate to use only Kami-Sama's name, as Kami-Sama is not of any gender or appearance.  

  7. I don't believe in any god's/goddesses.

  8. hey good question, it's a good way to learn :)

    -I'm a muslim and my religion is Islam.

    -I believe that there is only one god.

    -I have to pray 5 times a day

    -I have to fast during the month of Ramadan (which just so happens to be this month). I have to get up at about 4 a.m. and eat whatever I want until about 5. Then I don't eat/drink anything until about 7 p.m. It's so that we know how the people who have almost nothing to eat feel, and it's a month where we try to help others and give charity.

    -I can't wear shorts or anything sleeveless (It can be a pain but it is my religion so I follow it)

    - I read the Quran (which is basically the bible for Islam) and it's written in arabic language (which I learned to read).

    I'd put more but it will probably get too long. I hope you won't judge me by my religion. I get a lot of c**p sometimes for being a muslim sometimes and my brother used to too. Everyone thinks we're all terrorists or can get pretty annoying. But I'm glad I could give you some info since no one else who answered is a muslim. hope this helps :)

  9. i believe that there is a god.

    but i dont think that god wrote the bible or has anything to do with the bible.

    i think that he created cells and evolution took its course.

    then when you die if you're a good person then you go to heaven (i hope theres a heaven)

    idk i probably just made this up

  10. I am a Mahayana buddhist.

    I believe in a fundamental law that governs reality. The simultaneous nature of Cause/Effect. Right action = right affect. Harmful action = harmful effect, expressed as Myoho Renge Kyo.

    I believe, using the vehicle of the law for the Latter Day of the Law, that by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, (devotion to the mystic law of cause and effect through action or teaching) I can attain ultimate wisdom as to the true nature of the entity of my life (Buddhahood).

    I believe that there are no rules for happiness except for one, expressed in many religions as the Golden Rule, but ultimately it is the law of Karma as expressed above.

    I believe it is the purpose of my life to enlighten seekers as to the correct way to achieve buddhahood in their lifetime (not after millenia of birth/death/rebirth). That way, as stated previously, is to introduce them to Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

    Whether they practice it or not is not my problem. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. Or put another way, you can offer a man an antidote to the poison which is killing him, but you cant make him take it.

  11. I am ME.  I get to be whatever I choose to be, and get to pursue any goal I desire.  I am not held back by anachronistic fairy tales trying to force guilt on me for being happy.

    I try to simply be a good person and positively affect those around me.  Sometimes I fail, but that's OK because I learn from it and keep going.

    If you want a religious definition, I suppose you could throw Buddhism, Taoism, and atheism in a blender and pour me a smoothie.

  12. Only Jesus is Truth.  Jesus is not a religion.  

    Only Jesus gets you into heaven.  Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you

    The truth is that Jesus is God, and He loves you very much :)

    The only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  13. I'm Wiccan.

    I see the Divine as pure energy with no gender.  however, because it's difficult for humans to grasp the Divine, we break it down into a God/Goddess.  the Divine is both male and female energy.  when a Pagan 'prays' to a certain God/Goddess, they are just using a name for one aspect of the Divine, to focus on what they need at the time.  We generally go by 'all gods are one god'.

    Also, we don't see ourselves as 'above' anything.  we are equal to nature and animals and should respect them as equals, not taking advantage of them.

    There really aren't any rules except 'harm none' meaning that you shouldn't do anything that would harm anyone or anything physically or mentally...including messing with free will.

    We also live by the 'law of 3' meaning whatever energy you send out, comes back times 3, Karma, if you will.

    I believe in Reincarnation, and that in each life there are a series of lessons that must be learned.  between each life there is a 'resting place' which we call 'Summerland'  here we reflect on past lives and prepare for the next.  When all lessons have been learned we join with the Divine.  (like Buddhism)

    We believe that the Divine is present in everything so everything is sacred.

  14. I am an Agnostic in my own way.

  15. I don't have a particular religion, because they all basically the same, they are good but they fail to explain many things. Is better to be a spiritual person.

  16. i have no religion

  17. Here's an obscure religion to the west: Shinto, the indigenous religion of Japan.  It's kind of a mix of animism and polytheism.  First, there's the concept of the kami- think of them as a mix of the concept of the Greek and Roman gods, (though not always immortal or omnipotent,) deified ancestors, (such as the emperors of the past and important figures,) and deified aspects of nature- such as gods of storms, thunder, lightning, streams, rivers, lakes, etc. etc.  There are said to be eight-million of them, but this was also an ancient way of saying an infinite number.

    To make the creation story short, the heavens are ruled by Amaterasu, the divine empress and goddess of the sun.  According to legend, she was the grandmother (or great-grandmother, I can't remember which) to the first emperor, (and thus why until after World War II, the emperor was considered a living god,) but the creation legends are sometimes interpreted by scholars as a story made by the imperial family to justify their rule through divine right.  I'm with them on that, personally.

    There is no real, set-in-stone set of commandments for Shinto like there are in the Abrahamic religions, though there is a major focus on doing whatever benefits the community; for example, births and marriages are considered very important and celebrated.  

    The four focuses of Shinto are: 1) Respect to one's ancestors, elders, and family, 2) Respect to nature, 3) Physical cleanliness and purity, and 4) "Matsuri"- which translates to festival, but in this case means celebrating life itself and giving gratitude to the kami.

    Long answer.  Sorry about that.

  18. Palinian! We worship the Goddess Sarah, Savior of all Humans!

    The Loathsome Moose is Ruler of the frigid Underworld.

    All Hail Goddess Sarah! (PBUH)

  19. No religion. I don't need it.

  20. My religion- Christianity.

    Rules- Love the Lord your God with all your heart,soul and mind.

    Details- God created man, man sinned (broke the relationship) God created an animal sacrifice system to restore that relationship,then sent Christ to usher in the new covenant and died as the final sacrifice to restore the relationship between man and God.

    Additional "religion"- single track and powder tree runs

  21. My religion is:

    and it's about:

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