
Whats your take on the mandatory gym class for both grade 11 and 12?

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For me i like that they brought gym back, its an easy credit and it helps keep you fit and healthy, whats your take on it?




  1. At my school it is only mandatory to take 2 years. It doesn't matter if its in 9,10,11, or 12th grade.

  2. It's a great idea!  We all (meaning Americans) need to move our butts more!

  3. Well, it wasn't a requirement where I graduated from and I graduated in June.

    Students should have it but I understand with AP classes and others, it doesn't always fit

  4. It's definitely a necessary class, what with obesity on the rise and all...

    I like gym, it's pretty easy.

  5. i think that a kid should be able to chose if they want it or not for 11 or 12 grade, trust me having PE right before a really hard class would be no fun. once you get older you have more things on your mind, i think working out should be something you do afterschool, like walking home, its simple but just as good as gym class in my opionion.

    sure you would get ripped with mucles just walking home, but as a girl i find gym class very annoying , once every month, if you know what i mean.

  6. America is fat.

    Gym class helps, but for those poor kids that are already overweight, there needs to be something more. Like better lunch food. But that's a whole other topic.

  7. its a good idea but, when i was in high school we did nothing but sit all period. our teachers were lazy. what good would four years do if thats what goes on? if they could actually make it a productive class, then it's a great idea.

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