
Whats your take on the whole Nibiru planet crossing with Earth in 2012? Hoax or for real?

by Guest59808  |  earlier

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Google Nibiru if you havent heard about this already..

a quick summary:

apparently a planet called planet X or Nibiru will cross with earth on feb. 14th 2012 and will cause the change of the axis of earth which will result in natural disasters that would end life on earth..




  1. What have you been smoking.

  2. Just now questions about 2012 had been asked more than 12,000 times. I have given a version of this answer more than 150 times. See also -

    This stuff is all lies and fraud to get people buying faked up books, videos, watching nonsense shows on TV and directing traffic to fraudulent websites.

    Pole shifts - no, not a chance. The Earth’s axis of rotation is stabilised by the Moon’s gravity.

    Magnetic poles flip - no, they will just keep moving as usual. They are likely to change ends at some time in the geologically near future but it will take hundreds to thousands of years to happen. Meanwhile, the magnetic field will not disappear, but it will probably get more complex.

    Mayan calendar - one of their calendars ends in 2012 because they ran out of numbers in a count of days. There is no prediction attached to this and even if there was, it would be astrology and that has been disproved so many times that it's not worth any more words.

    Solar maximum - expected in 2011, maybe 2012 and it happens every 11 years anyway.

    Predicted planetary “alignments” are completely false. The positions of the planets will be about as far from an "alignment" as you can imagine. The next "alignment" of the major planets is expected sometime after the Sun burns out. Even if it did happen the question would arise "So what?" Where is the physical connection between Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc?

    Gravity? Like to calculate how strong the gravitational effects of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn is on Earth? Multiply the masses of the planets together, divide by the square of the distance between them and then multiply by the gravitational constant, which is a rather small number. Now add them all together and you still don't have a hill of beans.

    Newton knew how to do this about 300 years ago, but our planetary alignment freaks never care to do the calculation because the result would make them look as silly as they are.

    Venus will transit the Sun in June 2012, just as it did in 2004 and on a regular cycle before that. No noticeable effect then except on astronomers, some of whom will take measurements, no expected effect this next time.

    Planet X / black hole / brown dwarf / wandering planet - No. It was predicted for 2003 by a loony woman who claimed telepathic contact with aliens. No sign of it then and still no sign of it. If this big nasty exists it must be quite close by now and visible with a fairly ordinary astronomical telescope. Where is it? The assumption that it can only be seen from the southern hemisphere and therefore astronomers don’t see it is nonsense, there are many large optical and some radio astronomical telescopes in Chile and Australia.

    Nibiru was originally a separate scare and depends on some faked-up scholarship by a fraud called Z. Sitchin. He claimed to be able to read cuneiform, a script used by Babylonians among others. He could not but others can. He stole some of their work, invented the rest and claimed that some old Babylonian texts talked of a planet with a 3600 year orbit that passed close to Earth. This planet was inhabited by aliens who landed on Earth to enslave people into producing gold for them. There is no record of this 3600 years ago.

    In fact Nibiru is an old Mesopotamian name for the planet Jupiter, which will be staying right in its accustomed orbit, thank you very much. Sitchin disagreed with the "Planet X" loony though both of them were liars or frauds.

    25,800 year cycles. This is called "precession of the equinoxes" and was discovered a bit more than 2100 years ago. It has been happening since the Earth formed billions of years ago and will not stop, start or change direction in 2012. There is no particular significance in the direction the poles of rotation happen to be pointing at present or in 2012.

    The Bible codes were disproved within months of the first book coming out, similar coded messages can be found in any random book or even newspapers using the same "anything goes" methods faked up by the author, Michael Drosnin. He used the codes to predict a nuclear war starting in 1997. Oops.

    Revelation - nobody ever made sense of those febrile maunderings, the evidence for that is that there are so many different interpretations. It has been used to predict the end on dozens of dates from the year 500AD right up to April 2008.

    Nostradamus never predicted anything accurately and he may not have intended to. Many editions of his quatrains contain faked verses inserted long after he died.

    Galactic central plane - we are near it, so astronomers say, but we have always been near it, though nobody actually knows exactly where it is. No exact "alignment" is possible because of the angle of the ecliptic to that of the galactic central plane. A rough “alignment” of Sun, Earth and the galactic centre happens twice every year and nothing happens. Even if there was an exact “alignment”, the qu

  3. Hoax. And what I think about it, see my sources...

    Niburu can't cross Earths orbit... Niburu is the Sumerian name for Jupiter - and if you really used google, you should know that already.  

  4. not just a Hoax... its at least a Bigfoot caliber Hoax.

    really, no one over 10 believes in Nibiru, its just too SILLY!

  5. hoax, that is not how the world will end.  we would have seen it already.  Then how will it really end? :

    It is a fact that the suns magnetic activity peaks on an eleven year cycle, and it will be peaking in 2012. Although it peaks every eleven years, the one in 2012 is expected to be especially strong and will cause massive power outages and possibly destroy all of the communications satellites that orbit the earth and cause widespread panic and rioting, destabilize governments, and lead to the final world war. There are allot of people on this site that don't want you to know the truth and pretend to be experts. They are just trying to calm the fears of the masses, but when doomsday comes in 2012 there is nothing that you or anyone else will be able to do about it.

  6. Hoax. Rather than googling "Nibiru," which brings up all the crazy sites, try searching on a _reliable_ site such as NASA and JPL. You will find that there are absolutely NO references to Nibiru on the NASA-JPL sites,

  7. Well I'm actually cupid and the world will not end untill i'm done with earth college and i have a castle on this land, in the hamptons >>>> --------> with all ive been through already for the world to end just wouldnt be ethicall  

  8.   Hoax.

  9. It is a money making scheme by authors of ludicrous books and TV shows.  It's called "The exploitation of the gullible by the mendacious"!

  10. No, It's a Hoax, If there was a planet that was big as "Planet X" it would've been easily seen by some household telescope

    2012 is the end date of the Mayan calendar, Legend believes is that the Mayans predicted the future and and designed their calendar, But that's plain nonsense, Why would Mayans be able to predict the future

  11. I haven't heard of that theory or that planet. May I ask have you heard of the planet before?. I have heard of the Mayan prediction of destruction of Earth on 21st December 2012, because of a once-in-a-lifetime alignment of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and umm...something else.  

  12. I just heard about this whole niburu thing and its funny to see someone else wit the same question.  Now I dunno how true it is but from my understanding its Dec 21 2012, This planet crosses paths with earth every so many years which the next crossing is supposed to be 12/12 but anyway if the planets don't crash the magnetism from the planet is supposed to have a huge effect on earth(Floods, fire, all the natural events occurring now) now some people believe its the end of the world. if you go to You tube you can actually see the planet as you can if you put your telescope to pluto.  2005 the military launched a missile into the sky to see if it would be able to break up an asteroid or whatever in space if necessary. first it was told to the public that the govt was shooting down a spy satellite but later that information changed.  Now if the whole world is comin to a end i don't know but i do think something will happen to change the world. if just storms or somethin i think something will happen.

  13. it's a hoax they must have been smoking that wacky tobacco again

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