
Whats your theory on the Foster family's Mansion fire?

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What do you think has happened to the foster family? There's so many theories flying around. What do you think has happened?




  1. I reckon he killed his family and as done a runner, torched the house to remove evidence.  look at the facts, the daughter was disconnected from the internet while chatting with friends 2 hours before the fire was started, now the police find 2 bodies in the house. He was debt ridden and needed an escape but the mother and daughter were not willing to give up the friends and life but knew of his escape plan. bring in Columbo I say, he will solve it in 60 minutes.

  2. Maybe I'm being naive but I can't believe that money troubles would have driven him to murder his own wife and daughter.

    I think it was loan sharks.

    Shooting the animals could be seen as humane but also heartless...something to hurt the family. I always thought if murderers/burglars came to my house then they'd shoot my dogs to shut them up.

    I really really hope it isn't him because that would be awful but 3 bodies in the house now...makes sense its the 3 of them.

    i'm confused by this whole thing hmmmm

  3. I think it is either someone he owed money to - rather large amounts by all accounts, or it is an insurance job, possibly one that went wrong. The likely hood of it being suicide is slim in my book because if he really did want to end things it is doubtful he would kill his teenage daughter.

  4. I have no idea.

    The one thing which I find wierd is the 3 horses being slaughtered in the stables AND the dogs and chickens being slaughtered which I don't get. Apparently the dogs body's were dragged into the mansion leaving a trail of blood afterwards. It is thought they were shot before the fires were started. I agree with the previous comment that it's a very humane thing to kill animals like that. How bad is that.. i mean who would do such thing? It's wicked and disgusting.

    And the chickens and all the other animals were all shot at too.

    SO on the animal take - It's night time, and I think the reason why all the animals were killed was because whoever started the fires wanted to quickly kill off the animals as they would have made too much noise if they were still alive because animals are very sensative and can sense fires etc.. and this would have distracted the neighbours...  and maybe they were killed because whoever burnt the place probably didn't want them to suffer a slow and painful death in the fire being burnt alive...but still it's a very disgusting thing to do.

    The teenage daughter was chatting online at about 1am and was disconnected so I think all the power was cut off at that point.

    Then I have no idea what happened next.

    Maybe the father cut off the power mains in the mansion before killing both his daughter and wife inside? Then after he killed them both he went on the rampage to slaughter the animals which would have taken less than half an hour...and THEN he torched the place which would have taken less than an hour and then and he ran away afterwards?

    Maybe the reason why the animals were all slaughtered in a horrific way was because the father, after killing both his daughter and wife  was so appalled and ashamed of what he had done, that he had to kill off the animals end everything.. After maybe murdering his family he would have been EXTREMELY MAD, UPSET, TWISTED, APPALLED AND ASHAMED of what he had done he just went on the rampage to kill everything...all the animals in sight.  

    Or maybe an enemy of his did it and killed them all and that all three died in the fire?

    BUT If an enemy did this to him and his family, I find no reason why they would want to slaughter all the animals apart from them making too much noise during the fire which would have distracted the neighbours at night, so that was the reason to kill the animals in the first place..

    HOWEVER I actually find the fathers motive for killing his family probably more realistic on the animal theory atleast...

    He cut off the power mains to the mansion....then went inside to kill his daughter and wife in the dark as he didn't want them to see there beloved 'husband' and 'father' him murder them...then went outside to slaughter all the animals as they would have made a racket with the the only way was to kill them all before lighting the whole place....then he ran away or went back into the mansion to kill himself...

    OR someone else did it all and murdered them all.

    It's still early to know what exactly happened but the police will get down to the bottom of this and solve it.

    Whoever burnt the whole place probably wanted the bodies to be properly gone - burnt away and disintegrated so there would be no remains discovered for the police to find. That's why the whole mansion had to be COMPLETELY burnt down and demolished including the stables and garage. They had to burn down the entire garage and stables to use this as an excuse..

    It's a mystery but we'll find out in the next couple of days/weeks...

    there are many theories still:

    the father killed them both before killing himself [if  the police find three of there bodies inside]

    Or the father ran away after killing them [if the police find only two bodies of the wife and daughter]

    OR someone else murdered them and torched the place...[if they find all three bodies inside]

    OR that the daughter or wife or dad was kidnapped for many reasons.......[if the police find only two bodies depending on who's they are when identified later..]

    the list is endless with many theories and motives.....

    time will tell..

  5. they were behind on the mortgage, so they decided to sell it to the insurance company.

  6. Its not an insurance fraud thats for sure as they can't claim off their insurance unless they are alive and give themselves up.

    The point that strikes me is this issue of the horses being shot dead before being torched.  Thats a rather humane thing to do, less suffering for the animal.  Why would an enemy do that? They wouldn't care.  That makes me think the family killed them.  It appears they have done a runner. But how i dont know.  All the cars were left behind and how could they make a 15 year old just up and leave and loose all touch with her other family and friends? if that is the case why torch the house?  

    Probably has Swiss bank accounts and has gone over there.

    I hope so cos I really hope they arent all found in the house, that would be tragic.  

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