
Whats your top 10 biggest pet peeves?

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at sporting events

suggested category:dining




  1. People who read instead of watching the game (my sister at the one Kitchener game she's ever gone to)

    When your the only fan sitting in the midst of the other teams famalies and scratched players (rounds three and four of the ohl playoffs--Belleville fans are loud!)

    You stand in line for tickets to the Mem Cup final for five hours, only to be told you have to take un-reserved standing room, and when you get up to the top you realize that the recent renovations leave un-reserved standing room as a six foot long area with a big support beam in the middle.  

    Spokane winning the Cup and then breaking it.

  2. price of admission

    price of parking

    price of beer

    price of food and drinks

    line ups to buy these things

    styrophoam c**p that people wave around

    noise makers that they sell at concession stands

    length of game(sports events take forever)


    when the crowd does something stupid like booing a particular national anthem

  3. 1. When the Flames score and people in my family yell "who cares"

    2. When you're at a game and no one is yelling, and people look and you like you're stupid for making some noise.

    3. When a grouchy older lady sits in front of you, and tells you that you can't yell, when the team scores, or when the power ring says "make some noise"

    4. When you're at  restaurant and you're watching a really important game, anbd they score when your mouth is full, and you almost choke.

    5. When people don't understand the game, and ask questions every 5 seconds.

    6. When I'm at my relatives house and they turn off the game with 1 intense minute to go because "dinner is getting cold"

    7.When people get up and leave the game because their team is losing and there isn't much time left.

    8. When people get drunk and start saying things that have nothing to do with the game.

    9. When someone is walking up the stairs, beside you with two beers,and then look like they might spill, and sometimes do.

    10. When people boo the team because they aren't doing very well.

  4. 1. The prices for everything.

      2. The watered down product that is supposed to pass for big league sports.

      3. The obnoxiously loud music.

      4. The traffic jam after the game.

      5. The "Gold Standard" claim set (and un-met) by the Jeff Lurie Eagles.

      6. No Stanley Cups in over 3 decades by the Flyers.

      7. The "entertainment experience" designed for casual fans.

      8. Casual fans.

      9. First row seats behind the bench.

    10. Waiting in line for that highly nutritious, low cost food.

  5. Welcome back, ι ♥ goиcнαя.

    You're welcome...I hope everything is going okay with the person near and dear to you.  


    Sharing an armrest

    Sitting behind somebody with a sign

    children with high pitched voices...chanting

    When the person in front of you is walking down the stairs like a snail, when you are trying to get to your seat before play starts again.  

    Over-priced NASTY beer

    Get to your seat to find somebody sitting there.

    Sitting behind somebody that keeps farting or somebody that just stinks in general.

    Having to tinkle really bad, and then having to waiting in line, and you KNOW that when you get a stall... the toilet is going to be freaking nasty, and you have to hover over the seat, and open the stall door with the bottom of you shirt, and flush with your foot, because you are crazy OCD sometimes.

    Sitting next to people that talk really LOUD and have NO f'ing idea about hockey.  

    I almost forgot puckbunnies.

  6. When some one is in my seat!!

    When the only beer they have I wouldn't by for 1/2 price.

    That I can't smoke, what I smoke in the smoking section.


    That my team needs more "Fan" support.

    Rangers fans.

    Last call.

    That I can't here the announce team from my seat.

    That I don't have me TiVo remote.

    The,sign/big hat/red light/kid on shoulders/foam finger blocking my view!

  7. 1. Smoking, hate it!!

    2. Puck Bunnies

    3. Drunk-ies

    4. People with signs blocking my view!

    5. Having no cap on my pop bottle

    6. No announcers

    7. Immature people

    8. Band-wagoners

    9. People who always get up and out of there seats if it's in my row!

    10. People who predict where the player is gonna shoot, and stuff...

  8. 1. ppl at hockey games yelling "shoot it" every 5 seconds

    2. throw back jerseys with current players names (92 pens jersey with Malkin #71 on the back)

    3. Beer and Food prices

    4. Mens bathrooms having the long trough to pee into

    5. babies at sporting events

    6. ppl who leave early to 'beat traffic"

    7. ppl who boo a player that used to be on your favorite team (read Jagr)

    8. sitting next to some person whose "overflow" comes into my seat (they need 2 seats i swear)

    9. people wearing nfl jerseys to nhl games

    10. umm... when my team loses. that is a pet peev too

  9. i completely agree with your number five

  10. -The usher asking to see my ticket when she's asked me two other times tonight, and I'm carrying two beers.

    -People sitting in my seats because the usher is too busy trying to mack on some puck bunny and the backward ball cap punks file in and then become indignant when I show them my tickets.

    -Visiting fans who ***** about our ticket prices.  Then stay the f*** home.

    -People talking on their mobile phone trying to get on camera (personally, I would advocate capital punishment for this).  

    -The twice-a-game embarrassment of seeing the platnium seats empty at the start of the period while the prawn sandwich brigade stuffs their maws with merlot and puff pastry only to scurry in like rats at the first whistle.

    -When food that is supposed to be hot is cold.  For a tenner you'd think I could enjoy a slice of PizzaPizza that isn't lukewarm.  Or not.

    -The abomination of watching people try to pour beer (usually wasting way too much) at the vending stations.  

    -Watching ol' Drunky McDrunk have the "no...really...I'm good to drive" discussion with his otherwise sober friends.  

    -On away trips...wearing my team's sweater and people asking me "are you a Leafs fan?"  It makes my brain hurt.

  11. 1) i don't usually eat during sporting events, unless it baseball - cause i find it terribly boring and need something to do (like eating lol).... butttttt, if i stand in line for 20 minutes to get nachos, i hate it when my friends think it's okay for them to eat more than what they should..

    2) parents who are trying to explain to their young kids about what is going on during the game. stay at home and teach your kids the rules of the game before you bring them to a live one so the people around you don't have to listen! i mean, the older people already know the rules, they shouldn't have to listen to the parent.

    3) people who have no clue what is going on.

    4) drunken people. why spend all that money for the tickets, parking, food, drinks and apparal if you're just going to get wasted and not remember who won the game?

    5) people who leave before the hockey game in the 2nd period because their team is losing by a lot of points.. if i pay for tickets, i'm going to stick around to watch my team win or lose..

  12. theres not really anything that bothers me..ok thats a lie, theres alot of stuff that bothers me but it just kinda adds to the atmosphere/experience


  13. 1.Going to get some pizza and they're all out

    2. Annoying little 2years crying

    3.People Talking really loud about how they dont understand the game or the stupid plays the players should make

    Thats all i can think of.

  14. 1. When your team gets downright whipped

    2. Hecklers

    3. long concession lines

    4. long bathroom lines

    5. traffic when leaving

    6. When you buy a bottle of coke or water and they remove the cap and toss it away so you can't reseal it.  Kinda defeats the purpose.

    7. concession prices

    8. ticket prices

    9. scalpers trying to sell you tickets that you already have

    10. People that swear at the game.  I've got kids with me usually.

  15. 1when that person behind you has something to say about EVERY FREAKING THING!

    2the drunken people

    3the other teams fans. they arent rooting for the right people! :)

    4overpriced everything

    5 cleanliness level

    thats all i can think of though...

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