
Whats your view on the chinese refusing US ships to dock at their port?

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Whats your view on the chinese refusing US ships to dock at their port?




  1. The chinese are scared the US is going to attack them. But you just watch, China has something up it's sleeve, and they will rule the world and nuke the h**l out of us, dont kid yourself.

  2. I agree with pdon115. If Reagan was still our President, those b******s would be toast!

  3. Thats pure politics and nothing more.

  4. The Chinese are not to be trusted and in fact all this money that we send over there will only prove to be our own undoing.  I'm still waiting and wondering when Americans are going to wake up to the fact that "corporate america" (non caps on purpose) has sold us out.  All my life I've heard about the communists and now I am dumbfounded because we are spending billions of dollars on product from a communist country.  Can someone explain that to me? ( no corporate ceo please).

    Some people are making A LOT OF MONEY!!!!!

  5. They are trying to punish us for rejecting alot of their exports as unsafe. And embarrass us.

    Can we not make anything here anymore?

    I hate to buy their products because they are so cheaply made.

    Also our support of Taiwan is a festering sore that someday will lead to conflict.  Will we back them or run?

  6. Pretty messed up. But then again, I don't know the whole story. There's a lot of details that I don't know, so I can't really form an opinion on it without knowing all the facts.

  7. what is there reason for doing this you did not explain

  8. Refuse to buy anything <made in china>Think  what will happen  to all the children making those toys & eating the food they make>Brain & organ dead from lead poisioning>But they willl probley send them to the USA for our free health care>

  9. NUKE EM!!!!!


    Nuke those commie b******s before they do it to us!

  10. I dont blame them, the US are nothing but Bully's wanting to control every other country, but can't seem to get thier own country in order.   Why do we feel we have to dock our ships, but its not okay for them to dock thiers on US soil?????

  11. let them eat their lead based toys and killer pet food we have law and guide lines our manu factors have to follow and now we have |NO control over what is being sold in this country the dont have epa osha food and drug inspections and they dont care aboout us

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