
Whats your views on Zeitgeist - The Movie can watch it on youtube?

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Whats your views on Zeitgeist - The Movie can watch it on youtube?




  1. Part 1 is a mixture of alleged facts, fiction and astrology intended to directly challenge to the foundations of Christianity to the point of being anti-Christian.

    If you're a Christian, you'll hate it and find it threatening.

    If you are anti-Christian, you may enjoy it.

    Part 2 is a collection of 9/11 government conspiracy allegations.

    If you believe that sort of thing, you'll feel validated.

    If you're looking for something objective and adding insight, you won't find it here.

    Part 3 is a collection of anti-Fed conspiracy theory rhetoric.

    If you revel in that sort of thing, you'll love it.

    If you are learned person in economics or history, you'll be appalled at the lack of regard for factual information.

    In summary:

    If you like one-sided diatribes on the above topics with little regard for facts, you might enjoy it.

    If you're looking for any scholarly insights, you won't find it here.

    Here is a web site (under construction) that is collecting rebuttals to the movie:

  2. Most of what they presented is unsupported.

    As for the stuff they're correct about, it's more a matter of how they presented it to make it seem more diabolical than it is. For example: they made a big deal about international bankers and industrialists doing business with the Axis powers before the war. Forgive me if my jaw doesn't drop: international businessmen doing international business isn't exactly news. Countries and companies do business and trade constantly, and war upsets this.

    As for conspiracies to take over the world, get in line. I'd also love to take over the world. If I were rich, I would spend money trying to get more powerful. Just because someone buys alot of influence and wants to take over the world does not mean that person has succeeded in taking over the world. The Federal Reserve is very powerful, and it manipulates the money supply, but it does not automatically follow that they run the world and can do whatever they want.

    The verichip is real, but the movie offers no evidence that the long-term effect will be more control by the government. Let me give you an analogy: what if these same filmmakers had made a movie 20 years ago about the government's secret plan connect all homes in America and most of the world through a government-constructed network of computer servers that gave them the ability to spy on us and monitor our business and personal activities?

    Well that plan came true: it's the Internet. It could have manifested as a global control tool for the government to monitor and rule us, but instead it ushered in an age of Information that in my personal opinion makes all history before it look like the Stone Age by comparison. I think future generations will see the birth of the internet as the major historical separator between the ancient age and the modern age.

    Similarly, the verichip has the capacity to be a tool of manipulation. But it could also bring about a new age of health care: the primary selling point of the chip is to monitor your health. It might be something only you and your doctor ever access.

    Do your own research. Find out for yourself not only which claims in the video are true, but what the other side has to say on every issue.

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