
Whats your worst driving habit and which one that others do annoy you the most??????

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I live in Charlotte, NC and I moved here from Detroit. I thought people there could not drive but my god no one here at all. EVERYONE tailgates and no one usea a blinker at all. This city has constantly been ranked #3 in worst city to drive in (or so I hear).

What is your worst habit and what annoys you the most!?




  1. worst habit is going 200+km randomly "gixxr"

    i hate semi's who drive side by side by side going the same speed

  2. My worst driving habit is not putting my seat belt all of the time. My biggest pet peeve from other drivers is people talking on the telephone and not paying attention to whats going on around them

  3. speeding would be mine I guess.  I don't speed on busy roads but on highways I do.

    Number one would be tailgaters!!!!!  I used slam I just slow WAYYYYYYY down....go under the speed limit.   If they don't stop, then I'll slam my brakes on!!!

    I also get really annoyed at people that just don't know how to maneuver their vehicles.   Like parking crooked, or taking up two spaces.  People who can't back out of a parking place.   People that have to take up both sides of the road to make a right turn.  I think some folks drive vehicles WAY to big for their abilities!!!

  4. what annoys me the most  is people tail gating.. on the radio station in the morning.. there are a lot of chain reaction collosions. due to tailgating.. my worst habit i slow down to a crawl until the person backs off or goes around ok gilermo

  5. My worst habit is slamming on the brakes when somebody tailgates me. The most annoying habit (and dangerous) is tailgating.

    I simply cannot go faster than the car in front of me...

  6. I think my worst and scariest is my overconfidence on the highway.  The speed keeps creeping up.

    The one that annoys me the most is the "right hook" where drivers pass me while I'm cycling and then turn in front of me at the intersection... usually without a signal - while they're on the cell phone!!!

    I've learned to ride like every driver is out to kill me.

  7. i speed like crazy and i get annoyed by slow drivers

  8. i also speed, and i hate people who honk at people! and people who are in a hurry! they are the one who are usually careless!

  9. well, my worst driving habit would probably be patience.  I think overall I'm a pretty good driver, of course I make occasional mistakes, but I'm descent.  But... MY BIGGEST DRIVING PET PEEVE is definitely people who don't drive the speed limit, and I'm not talking about too fast, I'm talking about poking along driving way to slow. I don't no about you but to me its the most annoying thing in the world!

  10. My worst habit is making last-minute decisions.  The one I hate most is people talking on cell phones while driving.

  11. I tend to have a lead foot. But what drives me nuts is people that run red lights. I see it all day long and I never rush to go when the light turns green cuz it never fails someone zooms right through it.

  12. Worst habit is my cell phone.

    I hate it when I pass people (every morning) on my way to work and they are putting on their make up!!!!

    Wake up 10 minutes earlier!!!!!

  13. My worst habit is tapping on the brakes when someone is tailgating me real close.

    I really hate it when im in a car with someone and they never use their blinkers.

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