
Whats zone 3 is it useful to use in paris? (paris transport)?

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Whats zone 3 is it useful to use in paris? (paris transport)?




  1. The transport in Paris have several zones. Zone 1 is the city of Paris, Zone 2 are the closest towns of Paris. And the farest you go from Paris, the more expensive is the transport ticket, that is why they have created these zones.

    But when you take a ticket just to go to one place, you don't need to know in which zone it is located.

    The only thing you need to know is that with a metro ticket you can travel all around zone 1 (within Paris city).

  2. The Zones are just a series of concentric rings drawn in and around Paris. Zone 3 is the zone immediately outside central Paris and the traditonal city.

    There is little, if anything, that is of particular interest to a tourist there.

  3. You don't need a zone 3 ticket to visit Paris city.

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