
Whatthe ugliest city in the world!?

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Whatthe ugliest city in the world!?




  1. CAIRO - 15 million people crammed in like sardines, everyone driving 30 year old beaten up old Lada's spewing black smoke, no road rules, goats, camels, spit and cigarette butts everywhere, stressed citizens, its chaotic and hot, you can't see anything for the pollution and breathing is like inhaling directly from a truck's exhaust pipe.  Get the picture!

    This planet needs birth control.

  2. Fairfield, Iowa..eww i went there last summer..makes u wanna puke!


  4. any of the big cities in China - the pollution is really really bad.  

    did you realize that during the upcoming Olympics, that China is shutting down everyone of its manufacturing facilities for almost a month to cut down on pollution!!!!

  5. Zimbabwe

  6. El Paso, TX, USA

    I was there briefly before the Asarco plant shut down. It looked like h**l on earth. Now they're thinking of starting it up again...

    [Just to be more positive -

    My nominee for most beautiful:

    San Francisco, CA, USA ]

  7. Macon

  8. ur face

  9. Hurghada, a resort town in Egypt on the Red Sea coast, grown out of an army posting.

    Horrible architecture, total chaos, dirt everywhere.

  10. anywhere in england

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