
What´s the first thing that comes in mind when you think about Sao Paulo (a city in Brazil)?

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What´s the first thing that comes in mind when you think about Sao Paulo (a city in Brazil)?




  1. Brasil x Ghana in the Round of 16 in the 2006 World Cup.  After Adriano scored the second goal to put Brasil ahead 2-0, I walked to a highway overpass in Liberdade during the intermission (halftime).  I could see perhaps a kilometer in either direction.  Ten lanes, 10 vehicles.

    Abraços de Chicago, S !

  2. It's frequently the answer to crossword questions.  And that huge statue on the mountain looking over the city . . . .

  3. Beautiful music, SAMBA, beautiful people (especially women), beautiful bodies and lots of poverty.

  4. CRIME

  5. the airport. its horrible. i slept on the floor for three hours because the crew for mu next flight never showed up. :( the people are wounderful though...the non flight attendant people.

  6. Soccer (Football)! And, very energetic, cheerful people with a flair for music and festivals and carnivals, and good food!

  7. had a one-night stand in college with a guy from there ... his skills were not impressive

  8. That it is huge, by far the biggest city in South America, that it is violent because of the PCC & that it simply one of the most interesting cities i've ever visited.  Mind you my wife is from Estado de Sao Paulo (Sorocaba) so I was at the advantage of being in the company of a native speaker.  Her friend Marcio stayed in Santo Andre & studied at PUC so we had a perfect guide.


  10. A big and exciting city.

    I lived their for several months some time ago - and I loved it.  The activity, the sights, the sounds, the food, the music and, of course, the futebol.

    Yes, Sao Paulo has its problems, but all in all, I love that city.

  11. Show me the way out.

    Ian M

  12. orra mine has Palmeiras here Coringão and Tricolor that homesicknesses Airton Sena a value example !•

  13. Hot girls as far as the eye can see....

  14. Crowded!!! I've been there once and it immediately reminded me of NYC! I didn't get to see too much of it, but it's pretty cool :).

  15. Polution

  16. beautiful girls

  17. portuguese :D

  18. Obviously the foreigners here have no idea of what's the difference between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

  19. Traffic jam!!

  20. Fun!

  21. Ugliness.

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