
What´s the most beautiful country of the World in your opinion???

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What´sthe most beautiful nation around the world in your opinion???USA,Brazil,Italy,England,Canad... Africa...or another???What´s the most beautiful country of the world???





    the bether country in word!!!!!!!!!!

  2. China, Ireland, Peru, India

  3. Most beautiful countries I've seen: Indonesia and Mongolia.

    The friendliest people I met in Cambodia..

  4. Australia. hands down

  5. Probably New Zealand, because most of the country is beautiful, not just a few locations.

  6. I think France or Greece

  7. I would have to say Ireland and England both becasue they have such beautiful buildings, breathtaking views, and people are greattt!

  8. That country is Brazil zil zil zilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

  9. USA...............from sea to shining sea.............

  10. The good ol'  US of A!!!!

    Just a FYI...  Africa is a continent not a country.

    Peace and chicken grease!

  11. Definitely BRASIL!

    Brazil to all Americans.

  12. My beloved country PHILIPPINES!

    Try the diverse culture with 7,107 islands!

    See one of the beautiful islands in the world like BOHOL, Palawan, Cebu, Boaracay, Davao, SUBIC and Banaue!

    Check this out:

  13. I love traveling to China. The landscape is so beautiful and the people there are always happy to practice their English with you by opening up conversations. I also enjoy the culture there and shopping is fun. You can find all sorts of cool gadgets in the markets, although the merchants always try to gain the advantage on you, well that's part of the exciting culture. I think China is a splendid place to visit if you ever get a chance.

  14. There are so many beautiful places in most countries that it would be difficult to single one or just several as, in my opinion, the most beautiful. My personal preference is rural areas where ever they may be and not the man-made attractions that are popular with so many people.  Gods creations are far more superior in beauty  than mans efforts will ever be.

  15. For variety of natural beautiful scenery, lack of pollution and poverty and a relatively small population of human beings in which to destroy it I would have to say Australia and New Zealand.

    Lots of places were obviously very beautiful once upon a  time.  If we keep over-populating this planet we will end up destroying everything.

  16. In my opinion Canada/America by far.

    America because it holds the National park, Yellowstone which is an amazing place to see.

    And Canada purely because of it's wonderful lake, Lake Louise.

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