
What’s the most invasive species of plant native to the UK

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One that once its established is impossible to get rid off, must be native to the UK, I don’t want to be introducing alien species




  1. Dandelions I've spent hours getting rid of the blighters  

  2. Couch grass (Agropyrum repens) must be one of the worst, ground elder, bindweed and nettles come a close second, also cleavers and dock. Among the garden plants there are golden rod, mint and crown vetch, all nearly impossible to get rid of.

  3. Got to be either ivy or russian vine (mile a minute).

    Both are a nightmare to get rid of and grow at an alarming rate.  

  4. Jehova Inviticus Paininabum. Horrible it is, worse than the incurable crud!!

  5. mint

  6. I'll go for the stinging nettle, it's perennial, self seeds and sends out rhizomes underground. Trying to dig it out is like bouncing a spade on a rubber ball.

  7. There is no contest here... SWITCH GRASS,  hands down. The sodding stuff will overtake a plot in half a summer. It's almost impossible to be rid of of the pig rot stuff.

  8. bind weed

  9. docs, nettles, mint, bramble/black berys.

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