
What’s the silliest thing you've seen a nascar driver do?

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What’s the silliest thing you've seen a nascar driver do?




  1. Juan Montoya walking into a camera. Then started cursing out the camera-man for being in his way.

  2. Micheal Waltrip and Ken Shrader playing a racing game on tractors and Waltrip singing, "My tractor's s**y." lol

    No, really!

  3. It was the first race I ever went to in Phoenix, we were sitting the front stretch and there was a porta-potty at the end of pit road and D.W. went into it. Well about 2 minutes later his brother Mikey and Dale Sr. walked up to it and started rocking it side to side, so here comes D.W. flying out of the porta-potty with his racing suit tied around his waist chasing Mikey and Sr. down pit road. It was hilarious. So I'm not sure who was being silliest, D.W. or Mikey and Dale Sr. But it was definitely memorable.

  4. Shane Hmeil flipping off Dale Jarrett.

  5. Jeff Gordon starting a fight with his helmet on....

  6. Well since the Kurt Busch snow angel thing has already been mentioned, probably another thing that was pretty good was the Harvick/Hamlin pie in the face incident at New Hampshire back in 06. That was pretty funny.

  7. a cup driver p**s his pants  

  8. Kyle Busch sliding in the grass which was wet when he won a couple weeks back, dear and also Sterling Marlin barping in my face (this really did happen dear!!)  

  9. DW doing a hillbilly moonshiners dance after he won a race.

  10. Kyle Petty playing guitar and singing the "Belly Button Monster" song!

  11. I saw Dale Earnhardt clean his window while driving down pit road, he used his knee to steer the car..........that was cool, if you try that today NASCAR will throw a fit

  12. Kurt Busch picking his nose...

  13. I was gonna say Sterling Marlin getting out of his car and trying to fix it under red, but someone else beat me to it!  So, I would have to say starring in silly commercials.

  14. Kurt Busch's snowangels was probably the silliest thing I have ever seen. It was pretty funny.

    Ben, that is hilarious! I would have loved to have seen that!

  15. Kurt Busch doing snow angels in 100 degree weather after a race. That was rather strange.

  16. Sterling Martin at Daytona jump out of hios car on a red flag and repair a fender

  17. To correct "Winter Glory" That cameraman purposely hit Juan Montoya with his camera, so the other guy could capture the incident with his camera. It was obviously a set-up or the second cameraman wouldn't have been in on the main video. The cameraman that hit Montoya should have got his @ss kicked. Like the idiot didn't see Montoya walking into his camera. The stupid cameraman should have backed up. Montoya wasn't looking in the direction he was going, but the cameraman knew where he was going. How about if they ban these idiots with their cameras? I've been gaining more and more respect for Montoya, for being a real man, and not some puppet to America's media whores. It's stuff like that, that that makes people like you look ignorant. For your own sake, I hope you were being sarcastic in your response. Because that wasn't silly. That was sheer ignorance. But, on a lighter note. Kurt Busch does have a great sense of humor.

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