
What’s wrong with wearing leather? Aren’t the cows going to be slaughtered for meat anyway?

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What’s wrong with wearing leather? Aren’t the cows going to be slaughtered for meat anyway?




  1. i don't understand those hippies and yes they are killed for meat anyway so if you use the meat, then why throw away the rest of it when it can go to ANY use?

    hippies and vegetarians waste their time, cause just cause YOU don't eat meat or wear fur, that doesn't mean the rest of us won't. they don't change anything.

  2. Yeah, if you are slaughtering animals for meat then you should make the best use of it. But letaher from the skins of endangered animals should be discouraged.

  3. Well, the thing is not every leather that you wear comes from cows who are killed for meat. And not every leather that you wear comes from cows who are killed without any suffering.

    The need for leather is so much that even Small calves are killed for it because their skin is soft. So how will you feel if your feet are covered with skin of a calf who had just arrived in this world.

    There are lots of other cruelties which go on before the cows skin becomes leather. We only come to know of it when organizations like PETA raise their voice over it.

    Not only this , children are exposed to harmful chemicals while making leather, especially in third world countries.

    If you ask the shopkeepers they might themselves not know about it and those who know will no let you know of it.

    So the cruelty takes on another form. And this chain goes on and on.

    With every pair of leather shoes that you buy, you sentence an animal to a lifetime of suffering. Instead, you can choose from hundreds of styles of non leather shoes, clothing, belts, bags, and wallets. Fashion should be fun, not fatal! Read more about the cruelty of the leather industry. -


    Know more here -

    Cruelty free non leather products -

  4. Right.  The hide is turned in to leather or else it gets incinerated.  So why waste it.  If you are gonna kill the animal, make the best use of it.

  5. Yes. But some animals that people DON'T eat are getting their skins torn off. It's sad but it's the truth.

    Animals skin looks better on them then they would on any human.

  6. It isn't just religious fanatics that insist you follow their belief or die.  Peta and environment groups all insist that you do what they say and don't do anything they are against.  And they all reserve the right to hate you if you don't follow their views.  If you just recognize them for the intolerance they espouse, you will learn to disregard their ravings.

  7. There's nothing wrong with wearing the leather that is produced from the meat industry, cow, lamb ect. Why waste it.

  8. I have no problem with eating meat or using leather.  I only insist that the animals used for these purposes be treated humanely; also that they not be an endangered or threatened species.

    Some are unwilling to use any product that results from killing an animal.

  9. cows slaughtered for meat their hides arent normally the ones that are turned into leather

    and someppl dont belive people should eat meat anyway so thats how its wrong to them

  10. my problem is not with leather it's with fur coats these animals aren't eaten they are just slaughtered for their coats

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