
What’s your opinion of the fame that Y!A Politics is receiving in the UK?

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Btw, the comments about this article are priceless.




  1. lol i don't hear the tanks


  2. I don't know which is more priceless... the alledged lack of Geographic Knowledge or the fact that the Brits got ahold of it... Lol...  

  3. I thought it was funny. Leave it to the Brits however to take such a question seriously, anything to "slam" the U.S., and they think we're dumb!? I lived in that horrid country of Britain for 2 miserable years, just be glad you're here in America....

  4. To even think that the answer in question was anything but satire is frightening..

  5. I'm only upset that I don't show up in the article, otherwise I think it's hilarious..

  6. Hopefully the Brits will realize that all of the ignorance comes from the mouths and minds of Liberals.

  7. Wow! Its nice to see this stuff gets noticed somewhere beyond the Y!A Universe....I was beginning to think it was all a dream.

  8. goes to show you , they have nothing better to do  . What a country , no wonder we have to save the Brits every time they get invaded.  

  9. Well, the conservatives on Y!A truly give the US a very bad name.  Seriously, could anyone appear to be any more ignorant than the folks who create fictional issues to discuss...

  10. Any opportunity they can use to point out their perceived intellectual superiority over dumb Americans (especially Southerners) they will take.   Everyone here knows what a hoax that was; there was probably a similar question every 30 minutes for a few days, until it ceased to be funny.  

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