
Whay career is best for me?

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Ok so I am a highschool student. What kind of career do you think I should be part of here is some info

1.I love kids

2. I need to make a large amount of money

3. I am really good at office work like answering phones, calming people, and organizing information

4. I dont mind working long hours, so long as I can chose when I work

5. I want to be in charge of myself

6. I am good at math and science, not so much grammer. I love history even though I'm not super at it

7. I need a job where I can work without partners (unless i am in charge) but I want to be working with the public

If you have any other questions just ask and i will answer them!

Ok here are the careers I am currently debating between (other suggestions are welcome, if anyoen says work from hoem i will kill them)

1.anesthisiologist, not so sure about the spelling there

2. family practitioner


4. pediatrician

5. plastic surgeon (not so sure, cuz i dont want people to hate me...)

6. personal trainer

7. dietician





  1. Plastic Surgeon.

    -IDK about kids

    -Very high pay which you want

    -Not a lot of office work really

    -Very long hours, if you are on call you can't choose

    -You will be in charge

    -Math in science is fine


    Family physicians and Pediatricians do not get paid a lot. All licensed doc's get paid six figures some get paid seven figures (1M+) however a lot of those are Ortho, Neuro, and Plastic surgeons who have trained for years.

    Oh, and for the record I am an avid volunteer at a hospital and am also in school. The reason I said GP's do not get paid very much is because after 8 years of school I think I'd want to get paid a bit more than 150 a year or whatever the average salary is.

  2. college professor or counselor

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