
Whay does americans always think that they are the best while in fact they are not?

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Whay does americans always think that they are the best while in fact they are not?




  1. Oh, but we ARE!!!  You are merely an ignorant, obnoxious @$$ who doesn't even know how to use the spell-checker or construct a simple sentence!

  2. Some of it can be attributed to our media and the limited amount of time spent on world issues.  However, there is a more mature way to ask this question.  Don't stereotype.

  3. You know that it's true.  That's why you felt like you needed to publicly deny it.

  4. I'm not American but I can find little for Americans to be humble about/

    Europe was more than happy to have the U.S shield as security during the cold war

    Granted there have been very serious mistakes in foreign policy but there are American graves throughout Europe.. real lives on the line. ..

    Of course nobody  is "best" at everything so the question is only  a kite flying posit.

  5. The "best?"

    I think that's just patriotism speaking.  Plenty of Canadians think they're the best.  Plenty of Japanese as well, and I'm sure even the Swedish too.

    It's a subjective claim that's intended to convey more of a feeling than an actual belief, in most cases.

  6. What makes you say WE are not !

  7. You expect us to say "0ur country sucks?"

    Maybe yours does, ours doesn't.

    Next Tsunami, call   Cuba . We're kind of busy right now.

  8. Americans do not always think that we are the best.  We just are not, bottom line.  We strive to be the best because we are ambitious, and so it may seem that way.  But frankly, I see your comment as more xenophobic and ethnocentric than anything else.  You are making a broad generalization about Americans.  I have seen the way that other cultures percieve us:  as fat, glutenous pigs who watch TV all day, drive giant SUVs, live in mansions, love to shoot people, etc. etc. etc.  

    But honestly, these are just media exagerations.  I am an American, and I consider myself a pretty normal.  I have my car, my pets, an office job.  I am not overwieght, I am not arrogant.  I just mind my stuff and go about my day.  I dont do anything to anyone, nor do I consider myself the best.

  9. But we are, stupid.

  10. Compared to who?

  11. I suppose a follow-up question would be, "whay does dudes always think that this is an International Organizations question while in fact it is not?"

  12. Because we can spell.

    And we know you're not supposed to use "that" in that context.

  13. Oh? Then who do you think is the Best??

  14. The US is the most powerful country nowadays and it is the reason why Americans feel that they are the best.

  15. The term "best" describes an opinion.  You go on to say, "when in fact, they are not".  You're saying the US not being the best is a "fact".

    In other words.  You sir, are ignorant.

  16. Why do you think we are not, America is made is representative of all the countries in the world. If you look at us our ancestors come from all over the world and all of us see each other with respect. Unlike the Europeans that treat immigrants as Trash.It is true we treat illegal immigrants unfair but we don't do that for legal immigrants or refugees. Tell me one country that nearly 4000 of it's civilian citizens were killed and treat th immigrants from that country and still allow them to come in. find that country and i will give you100$

  17. Not saying which country is the best, but if the Us is not so great, why does everyone want to immigrate here?

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