
Whay does every one think Russia blindly attacked Georgia ? ?

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  1. Putin is consolidating his power and country again. They are flush with oil money and are using it as an economic weapon. Georgia want independence and freedom from the Russian bear.  

  2. I think it's being played up by political opportunists that want to see Russia return as "The Great Boogeyman," which they can use to scare voters into voting for their candidates.  I think this is especially welcomed by Republicans.  Republicans did very well with their anti-Soviet stance during the Cold War.  I had thought terrorists would fill in for "The Great Boogeyman," but the Bush administration has been minimizing the terrorist threat lately in order to justify why they still have not captured nor confirmed the death of Osama bin Laden.  Russia's recent aggression is a golden opportunity for Republicans to boost their poll numbers by parading their support for a strong defense, without reminding the nation that the leader of the organization that pulled of the 9/11 attacks is still free.

  3. i don't.  I think they are pissed that they don't have complete control of oil.

    They might have said they are done attacking.  but they are liars.

    they will take possession of the oil pipelines

  4. I don't think that.  This situation has been building for a long time.

  5. Since Georgia did not invade Russia,,What are you talking about?????????????

    I will not read your commet.........

    How many people do you know from Georgia?How many did you speak to yesterday?today?

  6. Russia doesn't want a NATO country on it's southern border and that was their only reason for attacking.

  7. It's what the media told us.  Most of us weren't paying attention or caring what was going on in Russia and Georgia beforehand.

    I'm not saying I believed that Russia attacked first, I'm just saying what we were told.

  8. No, Georgia attacked Russian nationalists and protesters and independents in South Ossetia, but that is their own country, and they are dealing with their own problem.  The only issue is that they are attacking Russian nationalists, as I mentioned early.  Russia made a calculated political move to destroy Georgia's military capacity and render them weak, as they are indeed a US ally, but NOT A MEMBER OF NATO, TOMS.  Russia isn't the bad guy here, but for their massive offensive, they can't be the good guys either.  Georgia may simply have been naive enough to make the mistake of annoying the Russians, who have been seeking an excuse to whack Georgia around the head.

  9. Because most people read only western news. So they believe what ever they were told.

    I think it's always better to see what both sides has to say.

    Georgia attacked S.Ossettia, where many russians are living. So how can we expect that russia would not do anything when their people were killed.

    What U.S would do if their citizens were killed?

  10. Because they did... and two paragraphs by some Pravda spin doctor doesn't change that.  

  11. I don't think you know what you are talking about.  I haven't seen ANYONE claiming Russia attacked Georgia blindly.  Now attacking in a calculated and logical manner--yes.  

    And for the record, Russia attacked Georgia, not the other way around.  And chanting to Tom that the opposite is true isn't going to change reality.  

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