
Whe do conservatives automatically denounce Democratic Presidents no matter what they do? For instance, Presi-

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dent Carter was the only President with the courage to stand up to the oil companies, but the conservatives conveniently ignore that.




  1. Carter's presidency is remembered as a series of disasters, hyperinflation, the Iranian embassy debacle, at least two that come to mind.  What do you mean that he stood up to oil companies?  That he made some speech?  People in the late 70s had to deal with waiting in line to buy gasoline.  That is not something the American public will put up with for very long. Carter was an awful president.

  2. There is angst on both sides of the political aisle.

    Look at how the democrats believe Bush is sleeping with oil company executives.

  3. I think Floyd's right.

    Even after nearly sixty years, conservatives still insist that Franklin Roosevelt was a closet communist when he was, in my opinion, arguably one of the greatest men of the 20th century.

  4. That's the competition biz; you don't campaign for your opponent and you are ready to report any imperfection on their part.

  5. It happens both ways.   I can't stand Bush, but I'll admit that he has done a lot to address the problem of AIDS in Africa, more than any other president.   You won't hear many liberals talking about that.     Once people have formed an opinion about something, it's a natural tendency to concentrate only on the things that support that opinion and marginilize the things that don't.

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