
Wheather India gets benfits through nuclear deal and what are they?

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Wheather India gets benfits through nuclear deal and what are they?




  1. better power supply

    more nuclear related contracts  

  2. Benefitsss!!! Only Benefit is India can overcome the Power crisis.

    Thank got you didn't ask for Detriments (disadvantages) of Nuclear Deal.It would have wasted lot of time for me..,Thanku

  3. Immediate benefit is our electricity problems may be solved in future. Side effect or call it main fall out is communists are now enemies of congress.

  4. 1access to science and tech

    2unhampered growth in medium range ( 10 yrs) because without access to dual use tech you cant do hi precision engg, sophisticated medicine, massive construction projects infact any thing hi tech is not possible.

    3the 20,000MW

    4 $40 bn investment

  5. Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement will help India meet its goal of adding 25,000 MW of nuclear power capacity through imports of nuclear reactors and fuel by 2020.

  6. After nuclear deal there will be no shortage of electricity.India will become a super power in Asia after the nuclear deal will be implimented.  The political parties opposing the nuclear deal have no national intrest.They are opposing the nuclear deal only on the instructions of their god fathers.

  7. No India will not get any Profit from this...

    **** off These Bloody Politicians will get lots of Profit... thats all..


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