
When, I was younger. I was always petticoat disciplined when I misbehaved. What's your opinion on Petticoat ?

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Petticoat Discipline= Making a young boys wear girl clothes.




  1. If the point of the "petticoat" discipline is to ridicule a child into proper behaviour, I don't think it's a very effective form of discipline.  It doesn't teach the child critical thinking, or how to choose right action vs. wrong.  It doesn't give them the opportunity to make amends for the mistake, and it doesn't boost their confidence in their ability to make good choices.  It induces guilt, shame & embarrassment, which decreases self confidence and trust in the adult handing out the discipline.  

    Petticoat discipline doesn't sound like discipline at all, it sounds more like punishment, which is not a very effective method of eliciting good behaviour.  There's no aspect of positive reinforcement, which gets the child to want to make the right choice in the first place, rather than simply being afraid of the consequences for a wrong decision.  Ridiculing a child is never a good idea, no matter the reason.

  2. Absolutely disagree. I hear a message that being a girl, dressing like a girl is something to be ashamed of. What kind of wife beater/spouse abuser/woman hater are you trying to raise? I know the lesson is to be thoroughly ashamed of what you have to do as a cosequence to whatever the bad behavior was. I think that boys can be punished in ways that don't make the female the punishment. I think our society already has enough confusion as to their sexual identity. No use encouraging more of that.

  3. I think it's stupid. What an immature thing to do on the parents part. That is no way to discipline a child!

  4. That's awful!

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