
When, and how will the earth end?

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I heard so many stories.



World goverment



Something about america having martial law

Jesus coming in 7000 years from the creation of the earth



There's so many, and in there own ways they make sense, I always thought the world would end in billions of years when the sun died, but the fact that it's close seems much realistic. Russia in georgia, tension between the west, Defense system in Poland agreed!

Im only 15, now I'm actually a bit worried that I'm not going to live my life and do the things i want to do! Each story holds some truth, it's scary!




  1. For you, when you close your eyes and never open them again, probably in about 70 years.  In the mean time, don't forget to live...

  2. Don't let it be scary to you.  I was when I first saw the movie Nostradamus on TV.  20 years later, I'm still alive.  I'm not scared but I do wonder and think about it.  I just have to trust God and know that I along with EVERYONE else (and won't be alone) will go to a much better place.  If the world ends, EVERYONE dies.  I believe we either go to Heaven or h**l.  If not, your body won't feel anything.  We'll be dead.

  3. december 14th 2012

  4. Hello i'm 15 aswell:D,

    This topic is very much like a tree, the trunk being the question, the branches being a varation of theories and hypothesis's,  and the twigs and leafs being discussions within different topics.  

    For example Branch 1: Space - Phenomenon, Branch 2: Global War, Branch 3: Alien Invasion, Branch 4: Religous Views, Branch 5: Worldwide - Plagues, Diseases etc.  

    Branch 1 - Leaf 1: Asteroids, Apophis, a potentially dangerous asteroid, which if passes through a gravitational keyhole in 2029 could strike earth also in 2029 and if not then, there also bares and chance it could strike in 2036.  If an asteroid of any type were to hit Earth we would be in (deep water), It would cause tsunami's, perhaps even rainstorms. - If the asteroid hit land, Earthquakes would be abundant around the globe, A dark age, from dust being swirled up into the air causing all habitation to suffer and eventually die.  Also if an asteroid were to hit the sea which there is a higher probability in which it would as the earth is 71% water and only 29% land, could cause hypercanes, basically an advanced version of a hurricane which extends almost twice the size.  There are many more theories about asteroids and what they would do if they struck.  

    Branch 1 - Leaf 2: Black Holes, I think the dangers of a black hole is the least most worrying destructive phenomenon in space.

    Branch 1 - Leaf 3: Death Of Our Star, Our star (The Sun) will eventually come to an end, where every bare element will exist as nil.  The Sun us apparently too small to be reduced into a black hole, giving the probabability of this theory a very poor percentage of being responsible for the death of the Earth.  

    Branch 1 - Leaf 4: Other: There are many more theories and hypothesis's relating to this topic.  Including of course the unknown, Radiation bursts, Galaxy collisions etc.

    Branch 2 - Leaf 1: Global war is a very foolish thing, as we are all one species and should treasure that.  Unfortunately we do feud, resulting in mass deaths, and ongoing country and colour wars.  The human species has evolved spectacularly and we now have mind-boggling technology which again 'unfortunately' used to kill each other.  Perhaps the reason we fight each other is because we are such a densely populated species which has much variation in it, different people with different meanings, ideas, views, personalities.  There is non other species which is as technological and dense as us that we know of.  Perhaps this is the reason we fight.  

    Branch 2: Leaf ?: Unknown.

    Branch 3: Leaf 1:  Alien invasion, Yes if we did ever get invaded by aliens the chances are we wont be able to beat them, why?  If aliens can travel millions of lightyears to get to us, and we can only travel a manned space rocket 238,000 miles then i think they will have superior technology to us.  

    Branch 3: Leaf 2: Alien invasion is a very popular topic, and indeed there are hoaxes.  Aliens, if they ever came to Earth, lets hope they come in peace.  

    Branch 4: Leaf 1: Religious views, Im going to leave this branch blank.  Religion is a personal view on the world which is usually the same view as many others.  If you believe in religion there is no point in me telling you how the universe is going to end, because you would of already worked that out for yourself.  If your not a believer then read the other branches.  

    Branch 5: Leaf 1:  Diseases, Plagues and other potentially human killing bacteriums.  Diseases and plagues are becoming more uncommon by the day, with new medicine and technology.  It is unlikely we will run into another major plague again, and disease seems to be on the run from chemists and they medicines.  This seems an unlikely probability to cause an end of the human race.  However, if there were to be a new disease which one would not know the cure for, we would be in trouble, but the person which had the disease would be soon tested and soon isolated.  

    Thanks for the question.  

  5. I'd agree with you, minus the whole 'it being close seems much [more] realistic.' The sun'll probably explode in several million, if not billion, years. In my opinion, the rest of it is just humans being paranoid or seeking attention for providing that "valued" information.

  6. Yes the world will end in 5 billion &156 million years, 329 days and 18 seconds....I could be off by a few seconds. I think that's a Tuesday; so if you got any plans that day you better cancel.

    In all seriousness google, "false end of the world predictions." People have have been worrying about the world ending as long as there have been people. When I was 15 the USSR was still around and there was a real chance of a nuclear war. (As matter of fact in 1983 the Soviets came really, really close to launching a full out nuclear attack) But we made it through the cold war without the world ending and more than likely we will make through any new political problems. Not that there won't be problems but just they won't be an END OF THE WORLD problem.

    Its something about being 15 that one thinks in All or Nothing ways. Problems will arise during your life; maybe political problems so bad that everything looks bleak but in the end the chances are that its not the end of the world.So relax and worry about high school, generally that's enough to worry about at 15. Don't worry you'll have lots of real problems, unlike the END OF THE WORLD, as you get older. Wait until you have a mortgage.

  7. ...when the finger over the bright red button depresses it...

  8. The earth will last thru all of the events you listed.  The only celestial event big enough to doom the earth off is the super nova of our sun in 4.5 billions years or so. Most of the events you listed will only impact the frail humans living on the earth, the earth itself is more resilient...

  9. omg i'm so freaking scared about it too, since i'm only 13...

    i saw this show on history channel about the mayans predicting WW2 and it came true, and they predicted that the world will end on 12/12/12 which is december 12, 2012, which is double 666. don't know if it's real or just a load of bull

  10. bibble speaks about the earth passing away rev.21 (dies) how? i dont know (one of those mysteries) but it also speaks of a new jerusalem (earth) coming down from heaven. (in my own understanding, there will be no more air, water, and life, in earth thats why it dies and everything in it)

  11. The world will end when you die because your world will end. The fiery demise of the planet Earth is less significant in the life of a human than something seemingly insignificant in that person's own life. Don't worry about the end of the world.

  12. The earth will live longer than humans that's for sure. Humans do not have the power to fully destory the earth. She is stronger than we think, surviving many cataclysmic events. Humans are their own worst enemy.  

  13. In the Bible, God says, not even the Angels up in Heaven know when the time will be.  The cause of the world to end is supposed to be fire and brimstone, according to the Bible.

  14. I don;t know when will the earth end,but all I know is there are many symptoms about the end of the world such as the sun rise at the opposite side,wars,girls are more than boys,asexual problems & many mores.  

  15. u wanna knw wen the earth will end soo here: the holy qur'an says tat their will be many signs appearing to us warning us about the day wen the earth will be finished!!

    its wen the writtings of the qur'an will vanish, the sun will lower itself with earth and the path to forgiveness will close....

    our 12th imam which is imam mehdi (as) will come to help us and jesus which is prophet isa (saw) will come bac to earth!!

    and many more u will see it urself if ur alive till then!!

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