
When, and why did you move out you your parents house?

by  |  earlier

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I moved out 2 months ago and i moved out because i could afford it but i was just bored and curious how everybody moved out :)




  1. 18 moved to go to school  M.I.T.

  2. Parent's rule; turn age 18 - GET OUT.

    My sister went first. She turned 18 - gone...

    I was 10 at the time...

    Then it was my turn - 18! Out I went.

    No job skills, no education, no employment.

    My wife's parents had the same rules for their 3 children also. My wife was the first to get out! Then her sister, then her brother.

    Nothing but love...

  3. I moved out when I was 14...

    Kinda personal but my dad didn't want me anymore.

    My mom left to only god knows where when I was 7.

    But in normal cases, I think if you can afford to move out of your parent's house, then move!

  4. Just came the moment, and i just couldn't stand being at my parents house. Even though i love them to death. So, i moved out. Lonely sometimes, but wouldn't trade the freedom i have for anything now.

  5. I moved out because I met the love of my life then married him.

  6. I moved out because I got married.

  7. im living with my brother

  8. I moved out when I was 18 to move in with my best friend and they hated the idea, so my dad and I didn't talk for like 3 months. But then hey, I ran off and got married at 19 because my dad also told me he wouldn't walk me down the aisle too.  

  9. I moved out at 16 because I was a stupid teenager who hated rules and I made some huge stuff ups. I moved back home when I was nearly 18 because I couldn't hack the big wide world anymore. Lucky my parents are so forgiving and love me unconditionally. I moved out again at nearly 20 once I was on my feet, and an adult, and could support myself and look after myself properly. I'm 22 now and still live on my own

  10. I moved out because I felt like it I could afford it and I wanted some freedom so ya thats why  

  11. At 20 because it was time.  Of course I went back twice before finally pulling it off 20 years ago.

  12. The day I turned 18 because I didn't get along with my family and figured staying with my boyfriend was my best choice.

  13. i moved out cause i was getting married and they weren't there for me.

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