
When, how and what do i plant maize/sweetcorn from

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when should i plant sweetcorn (UK) how far apart and how deep and what from and any other usually tips




  1. plant them in a circle about a foot apart, they need to pollinate.start off sowing in small peat pots about march and keep on a window sill. plant out after first frosts, never cast a clout till may is out! you can also try companian planting, plant runner beans, these will put nitrogen in the ground, then the sweetcorn, then pumpkins!

  2. I live in California,USA. I grow corn in a wooden box with fantastic results. I plant after all danger of frost is gone,usually in March or April. Three inches deep,four inches apart, three kernels to a hole and in rows of 10 to 12 inches apart. Thin after they are about four inches high to one per hole and about ten inches apart. Feed every other week with diluted plant food. When the hairy tassels start to show,you really need to keep it watered because they are mostly made of water. If you don't you will get shriveled corn. That is how I grow corn,and I get so much I have to give it away. Byee

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