
When, if ever, is bad debt erased from your credit? How long can debt stay on your record?

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I have previously heard that after 7 years the debt is written off, and the companies no longer report to the credit bureaus. I am trying to find more information so I know what my next step should be. Thank you.




  1. More information on your situation would help, but bad debt can only remain on your credit report for 7 years after the date of first delinquency.  Making a payment does not restart the statute of limitations for this debt, that is a pretty common myth.  However, the CRA's don't always catch debt that is past 7 years old, so you should keep an eye on your credit reports close to the time for the debt to drop off and alert the CRA's if the debt either remains on your report or is reinserted by a sneaky collection agency.

    There are different rules when it comes to bankrupcies and judgements.  Those remain on your credit report for 10 years.  Hope this helps.

  2. Per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, derogatory accounts are reported for 7 yrs. The 7 yrs. starts 180-days after the delinquency that led to charge-off or collection activity.  Nothing can reset the reporting period.

    Paid judgments also follow the 7 yr. reporting period. Unpaid judgments can reappear as new entry.

    Under general rule, the reporting period for bankruptcy is 10 yrs. However, it's been known for a Chpt. 13 bankruptcy to be deleted after 7 yrs.  Chpt. 7, on the other hand, will remain for 10.

  3. Be honest,It is gonna take some time to find the answer for your question.Try to have a look the resource here for reference.

  4. As per the FCRA fair credit reporting act here is the actual answer

    The credit bureaus keep your personal credit history for periods between 7 and 10 years:

    Unpaid Tax Lien - Indefinitely

    Chapter 7 Bankruptcies - 10 years from date filed.

    Public Records - 7 years from the date of payment;

    Closed or Inactive Accounts - 10 years from the date of last activity;

    Derogatory Accounts - 7 1/2 years from the date of original delinquency;

    As of December 29, 1997 the reporting period runs 7 ½ years (7 years plus 180 days) from the date (month and year) of the last delinquency (known as "last missed payment:).

    So, regardless of how long a creditor waits to charge off, sell or transfer a debt, they must report the true and correct "delinquent or last missed payment" date (month and year) that preceded the creditor's action.

    3. Example after Dec 29, 1997:

    A payment was due on January 10, 2000 but, you failed to make that payment and never made another payment. The Creditor waits until August 2000 to take action (charge off, send to collections, sell/transfer debt, etc.) on the debt.

    The 180 day count began on January 2000, (your last missed payment month) and runs until July 2000 at which time the seven (7) year reporting period begins and runs until July 2007.

    There are certain exceptions: (1) Information about criminal convictions may be reported without any time limitation. Bankruptcy information may be reported for 10 years; (2) Information reported in response to an application for a job with a salary of more than $75,000 has no time limit; (3) Information reported because of an application for more than $150,000 worth of credit or life insurance has no time limit; (4) Information about a lawsuit or an unpaid judgment against you can be reported for seven years or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer. NOTE: what they mean is your state SOL.  Some states report for up to 20 years and can renew the report.

    Also making a payment will NOT reset the SOL on your credit report, it will however re-set the statutes of your state.

  5. Judgments do not remain on forever.  I had one and it fell off in 8 years.  they told me 10 but I disputed it after 8 and it fell off.

  6. Bad credit remains 7 years but judgements remain forever.  They never disappear they will show satisified if you pay them but the will remain on your credit until you die.  But your normal 30/60/90 goes away after 7 years.

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