
When, if ever, will the Congress face the major problems of this Nation?--

by  |  earlier

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such as---the Oil crisis---energy sources---medicare--Social Security, or will they push these aside and let the Country go belly up?




  1. Never....not enough pork to go around.

  2. When the current mob of communist/fascist/socialist/Marxist/coll... are replaced by people who have read, understand and respect the Constitution of the United States.  Only when we have people in Washington, DC who understand the concept of "limited government" our founders intended can the government begin to "solve" any problem.  By the way, none of the problems you mention, except Socialist Insecurity, are under the authority of the federal government.

    It was a Dumocrat, Jimmy Carter, who opened the Socialist Insecurity "Trust Fund" up for raiding by every other governmental agency.

  3. Well I believe if they would have address one concern better we would not have been so broke now....let me say illegals  

  4. When we get the Republicans out!

    Social Security is simple! STOP STEALING from the Social Security Trust Fund. It is not the governments money. It is money taken out of our pay checks!

  5. When "We, the people" remember who in our government is authorised by the constitution to oversee spending money instead of blaming the President for everything.

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