
When, oh when will they do whatever they plan to do to 360?

by  |  earlier

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I started a 360 blog only to find out within a day that they planned to do away with 360... when are they doing it? I feel like I am wasting my time to post on it because it might "poof" disappear any day!

I want to know exactly what and when they are doing it, and if I don't hear something soon I'm moving to blogger!

So does anyone know whats up?





  1. This is a problem with Yahoo, and no one knows when the new network will be ready, only the Yahoo people will know this. But they said in the early 2008. l would say going by this it can be now until spring. After that it will be the starting of Summer and this will not be the early 2008.

    We are all in the dark about this.

  2. I'm not sure. However, 360 is my most favorite blog~ Anyway,  Microsoft is trying to buy Yahoo!~ I did not see that coming at all~

  3. Yahoo is keeping very quiet on this.  Nobody seems to know for sure when the transition will take place.  However, 360 will be replaced "in early 2008."  The last time Yahoo bothered to tell any of their 360 customers what was going on, was last October.  At that time they said they would keep us informed, but that has not panned out.  (They might want to consider improving their customer service.)

    Yahoo plans to migrate all blogs, friends, etc to the new format, so you probably won't lose all of your work.  It would still be a good idea to back up your information, just in case.  Look into Multiply; they welcome 360 refugees, and they will migrate all of your blog over quickly and easily.  Even if you don't plan on staying there, it is still wise to have a backup.  And you might find you like it better than Yahoo.  (At least they seem to appreciate their customers.)  You can check out one of their groups here:

    Yahoo said the new format for 360 MIGHT even allow us to copy our blogs to other non-yahoo services (something like LiveJournal or Multiply, for example), but this is not for certain.

    Yahoo has experimented with another beta called YMash, but they have also stated that this will not be the replacement for 360, though it may have a similar format.  Currently YMash is availble through invite only, and it hasn't been very impressive.  It does have a lot more options on it, but many of the options are kind of lame.

    But the reason you haven't gotten many responses to your question is that Yahoo has not been very forthcoming on the future of 360.

  4. damnifiknow.....

  5. Q :{  [ When, oh when will they do whatever they plan to do to

            360?,.... ].

       *** [ I want to know exactly what and when they are doing it,

             and if I don't hear something soon I'm moving to blogger!

              So does anyone know whats up? ]. ,...Thanks! }.

    A : { SEE>>

        ** Caution / wait !;

        1)-***Go to Y/A team , Yahoo Answers

               * Ask Yr Q, / claim , via [ Y/A help ].

                on the bottom of your replying message,

                Or below the international flags !.

              ** Certainly they will reply you!,

         2)-***But, take care, and exercise some good patients,

                as, suggested in Christ ,

               *Study / survey in The New English Bible!,

                 Since you can, " feel free!"

             **Finally, they will reply you!, But,...,

                On turn, at the times!,..., well! }.


    Good Luck


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