
When,and at what age is it not cool to call your daughter honey?

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When,and at what age is it not cool to call your daughter honey?




  1. you can always call your daughter honey, you're her mom!


  3. 9+

    good luck;...


  4. ehh who cares do what you want lol if u wanna call ur daughter honey till ur 90 then go for it.. its not uncool. its your own thing

  5. Never!  I will never get sick or think it's weird for my dad to call me sweet names!  I call everyone sweet names too!

  6. My Dad called me 'Little Girl' up until the day he died...and I was in my fourties when he passed.....hehe he called my sister 'Noodles' because she cooked a lot of pasta...... doesn't matter how old she is...that's your kid.

  7. There is no age at which it's uncool.  She is your honey forever.

  8. Never.  It is always cool to call your daughter honey.

  9. My children are all grown, my oldest is 50 this yr.  I w/ALWAYS call my children honey.  We are a very close knit loving family, & it just comes out naturally...:)

  10. I'd say never.  Maybe there is a point, when she is in high school when you don't say it in public (when you drop her off at school or in the mall or something), but at home or if her friends are around it shouldn't be a problem.  I'm sure she'd let you know if it is.

  11. She will let you know, but the deal is that you may always call her honey.

    Just because she asks you not to doesn't mean you have to stop.  It does mean that you need to understand that she views the pet name as a part of being a baby and she doesn't want you to consider her a baby any longer.

    Rest.  Breathe.  Wait.

    One day, not in the too distant future, she will think that 'honey' is the sweetest moniker in the world.

    It is always cool to call your daughter honey, but it is not always cool for her.  

    Respect her wishes and hold off until she is ready.  Silence speaks volumes.  In other words, one day it will dawn on her that you don't call her honey anymore and on that day she will crave to hear that endearing term come from your mouth.

    You are doing fine.  So is she.

  12. It's cool to call your daughter honey all her life.

  13. i dont think that there is an age limit

    i reckon it is sweet if you call your daughter honey

    maybe not when she is in front of her frineds

  14. 9

  15. if she dosent like it than stop

    but im almost 17 and my father still calls me cup-cake, sweet pee and stuff like that

    i dont mind it..

  16. When she says it's embarrassing .  My Dad called me " little honey" all my life ,and it never bothered me .  But as you probably know each Daughter is different, and she will no doubt tell you if it bugs her . Something like Daaa aaaad ..

  17. Well I'm 16 and i don't mind if my dad calls me honey.  it depends on how your daughter is i guess

  18. My grandma still calls my mom honey. My mom is 45. It doesn't seem weird to me at all.

  19. It really depends on the daughter's personality and environment. I'ts ok to call her a honey, but not in front of her friends.

  20. There is no limit on dads calling thie children honey.

    It is nice to hear of a father calling his daughter honey, rather than ***** or any other number of un-pleasantries.  

    Have fun!


  21. girls never mind being called up honey by dad, my dad has called mlil princess my whole life and i dodnt really bother

  22. man i have no daughter. but i call anyone daughter honey 0-99

    u know why? cuz i am a cool dude

  23. pff if shes a real ****** then 12 but never in front of her freinds maybe her boyfreind one day when hes close to the family.

    haha you had a nice little girl now shes telling you to stop calling her honey that blows!


    my sister is growing up too.

  24. I am 19 and my dad hasn't ever stopped.. I like it. He really loves me and pet names like that show it. I guess sometimes a pret-teen or teenage may get embarassed if called a pet name in public, so maybe watch that.

  25. I never reached that age, but most girls in their early teens go through a phase where parents simply existing annoys them, and everything embarrasses them.

  26. Never

  27. NEVER, I mean yes she will become a teenager and be embarrassed by everything her parents say and do lol. But when you  guys or hanging out, its never uncool. It lets her know that you love her and she hasn't done anything bad lately. =]

  28. Never!

    Girls actually don't mind. Well, usually. Some don't like it around friends but most girls i know actually never mind that they are called honey by their dad. =]

  29. I think it all depends on your relationship. If as a pre-teen/teenager (when we women morf into strange creatures LOL) she dislikes you calling her that, stop.  Repect her wishes and refrain from it.  If you two are close & it doesn't bother her, dont worry about it.

  30. No I don't believe that at all. You can always call her that, if you are asking about your own daughter.

    I think it's normal for children to get bothered or seemingly annoyed when they are called that, but really, it does show them that you do love and care for them.

    Don't stop calling her that- at any age.

    It's not about  being "cool". It's about being a decent parent.

  31. I'm 23 and my parents still call me that.  It doesn't bother me a bit.  They call me it in front of my husband and friends.  No big deal, it's just a word.

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