
When's the 3rd World War gonna start?

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When's the 3rd World War gonna start?




  1. NEVER! I hope.

  2. When I start getting angry  

  3. hopefully never, but unknown to us, the countdown has probably already began!

  4. 9/11/01

  5. 12th june 2010

  6. 6am next sunday,go to bed early on the saturday before  lol..on a serious note,dont hold your breath waiting ,not in your lifetime.

  7. if that bitter old fool john McCain ever get elected there will be world war 3 .

  8. It could be 28 minutes from now or 280 years from now. When the superpowers square off against each other in two camps, then come back and we'll talk workd war 3.

    Until then, just think regional conflicts, wars between rump states, proxy wars and brinksmanship. If you recall the Yom Kippur War in 1973, a coalition of Arab States (Egypt, Syria and Jordan) were soundly defeated by the Israelis. That was a worse situation than the current conflict and it didn't raise a blip on the world war radar (not that it didn't have the potential to spark a global war).

    The next World War will involve a nuclear exchange, how could it not. In the first 30 minutes, nearly a billion people will have been vaporised, mostly in the US, Russia, Europe, China and Japan. Another 1.5 billion will die shortly thereafter from radiation poisoning. The northern hemisphere will be plunged into prolonged agony and barbarity.

    Eventually the nuclear winter will spread to the southern hemisphere and all plant life will die. You ask when is the apacolypse, you are asking when will we commit global suicide. My answer is it won't happen soon because the larger superpowers are more rational than the rump states in the middle east.

    Our biggest risk is an accidental launch of nukes by one of the nuclear powers.

  9. This will be unrecognised as conventional war in that it won't  involve a power struggle over land or oil but will start by our pathetic mismanagement of  world resources ie;  water grain/crops/rice  by ever competing countries seeking out  protectionism of there populations. This has already started with china Plundering africa's resources to feed its own enormous appetite. Water will become the most sought after resource after the oil reserves run out. Eventually it may be possilble that the USA goes to war with china as it realises its no longer top dog and see China's resurgence as the worlds super-power a "threat to national security".

  10. when bush has another egomaniac turn by not taking his pills

  11.   I am with some of the other posters.......I believe it has allready started.   Terrorism was realized by Americans Sept. 11th 2001, and its definetly a global war on Terrorism.  Therefore I say WW3 has allready started.  I also think it was going on before Sept 11 we just failed to reckognize it.  (USS Cole, Cobar Towers, World Trade Center bomb in parking garage, etc etc etc).

  12. In about 2 hours in the John once this burrito catches up with me.

  13. As soon as Israel invades Iran ...........................................

    Good Luck

  14. 12th June, 2010.

  15. September 11, 2001

  16. this sunday sky new said  

  17. They are already at war! war to get to the soup line, its lunch time!

  18. It already has.

    The invaders are being welcomed in.

  19. When your draft notice comes in the mail.

  20. The world population is starting to rise and rise,resources of everything are running low,keep watching the news,not long now.

  21. when greed takes over the hearts of everyone

    forcing them to turn on each other and fight for wordly goods

  22. Sounds like you are looking forward to it!

  23. 1435 hrs EST, 23 Aug 08

    How can anyone know what is going to happen in the future?

  24. if israeil attack iran


    iran will attack to israeil (oil price up to $200)

    iran will probably will destroy israeil (oil price up to $300)

    iran will block oil export in persian golf (oil price up to $400 !)

    iran will attack to u.s in middle east (oil price up to $500 !)

    u.s will attack to iran (oil price $600)

    iran start to send soldiers to pakistan Afghanistan Iraq (price up to $700)

    iran start to bomb in u.s and israeil councils ( price up to $? !)

    what is the bad effects of WWIII

    this attack has as bad effect as WWIII

    do u know with this price u cant buy even a pant ?

  25. October 20th 2015

  26. You in a hurry for Humanity to end this will mean the end of the world.

    Vet-USAF / College student

  27. This final stage of Globalisation is probably imminent as FEMA prepares the prison camps and the US exercises its might.

    The Third World War will give the authorities the excuses they need for imprisonment and murder of their opponents and as the last traces of democracy disappear then so will national governments as we are all enslaved by the common masters.

  28. I think it has but we have not realised it yet  

  29. As soon as the transfer window closes.

  30. The next war will be in the UK. There will be a civil war where the Irish, Welsh, Scots and English. will unite and There will be a rebellion.  It is not many years away.

  31. My crystal ball says Tuesday.

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