
When's the best time after 2 to go running?

by  |  earlier

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i know it's best in the morning, but i couldn't get up and now it's a little after 2. when's the best time to go?




  1. Around when the sun is setting. That way it gets cooler. Or night running is great as long has you have a flashlight or reflectives.

  2. well not nesecerally , most people run in the afternoon when it's nice and cool and a breeze settles in or in the misty morning i run in the afternoon and the morning , try to go with your own time line , when do you feel most comfortable running ? afternoon , morning or the middle of the day , every times the best time to go , cause it's the best for you , you can go running any time you feel most comfortable with , i myself like running in the afternoon , somehow .. but thats just me , you might like running in the middle of the day or the afternoon as well ! well good luck !

  3. Typically 4:00 is the hottest time of the day.  During rush hour is the most polluted part of the day.  Many people like to run at dusk because the sun is going down and it is still light out.  There is generally no "best time" as there are pluses and minuses for any time of the day.  It is more about what is the best time for you.  If you go out and the sun is beating down on you, make sure to put sunscreen on.  If it is after dinner, make sure that you don't eat a ton so you get cramps.  Run smart!

    Good Luck!

  4. Since you want to run today, and you didn't get up I would go when the sun is setting. It is not to hot so you won't get heat stroke and you won't get too hot. Plus, you can watch the sunset as you run. I try to run everyday at sunset it is really nice. I would go at like 8 or something.

  5. i dont want to tell you a specific time because maybe your in a different state...but When the sun starts to go down is wont be too hot for you to get a heatstroke...and less likely you'll burn up....Just dont wait til its too dark that you can get kidnapped...just as soon as the sun starts to go down..hope i helped...good luck and be safe

  6. either early in the morning(its fresher and depending on the time you run you might not get burned as much.) or when the sun is starting to set.

  7. 4 o'clock so your stomach has had time to digest the food which you ate for your lunch especially if you hace a late lunch. Also, if you get hungry after a run like me, it is also convinient time for dinner.

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