
When's the best time to weigh yourself?

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In the morning or right after you eat?

In the morning I weigh 86/87

But right after I eat my breakfast I weigh 90?

Which weight is my real weight, and what's the best time to weigh yourself?




  1. I like to weigh myself first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and right after emptying my bladder. Many of these things make me lighter, but that’s not the point. The point is to be consistent to increase the precision of your measurements.

    The more precise you are, the more you can tell if you’ve gained or lost weight. If you weight yourself under different conditions every time, you could get “wild” results.

    Even if your scale is slightly inaccurate (makes you a pound heavier every time than a doctor’s scale), you can still tell if your weight is changing over time if you keep things as precise as possible.

    Note: It's also good if you have the same thing as your last meal of the day every day. When I vary this, I find it seems to effect my water weight more; less precision.

    Even keeping things as precise as possible, you may notice water weight changes based on how you ate, and how you worked out the entire day before. So don't panic if you see changes every day.

  2. When you wake up in the morning is the best time.  Doing it at the same time every day will keep your average of weight more accurately.

  3. stupid question.....obviously you weigh more after you've eaten. Which one do you think is your real weight?


  5. it doesn't matter but if your keeping track of your weight stay at the same time every time you way because then you have a more accurate track

  6. well obv right when you wake up

  7. When you get out of the shower, possibly.

    That way you don't have the baggage of

    all of your clothes and everything.

    And you can get the real weight!!

    hoped this helped!!!

  8. It doesn't matter as long as you use the same system each time.  I weigh myself first thing in the morning.  That is when I am my lightest.

  9. Best time to weight yourself is usally early morning right after wake up, if you weight 86\87 lbs in the morning before breakfast ,then your weight is 86 lbs ,once you eat and drink ,you add on weight,now if you weight yourself at night before bedtime and you weighing 88 lbs, I would say 86 lbs still  accurate weight,since those extra lbs at the end of the day can be just water weight.

  10. in the morning, after you've been to the toilet but before your breakfast

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