
When's the last time you got in on in a vehicle?

by  |  earlier

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Inspired my sister's answer to someone's question about being single or married...

For me, it was a couple weeks or so ago... It's slightly crowded in a Toyota Corolla. lol




  1. with another person?  or by myself?  By myself yesterday on the way home.  With another person sometime in the 90s.

  2. Last year

  3. try it in a ford escort. something went up my butt and i don't think it belonged to him!

  4. It has been over 5 years!

    Karen How do you get more thumbs up,than anyone else, for 2 freaking words?

    You must have a following! here comes # 6 lmao!

  5. a few months ago. only kidding. probably back in high school.

  6. jeeze i must have been like 17. 10 friggin years. (note to self...... get it on in car after work, milk, eggs, cheese, lube job)

  7. I'm going to pick Karen up and take her for a's been too long for me...

  8. I tried last night until the wife yelled "Put that away and hold these freakin McNuggets".

  9. believe it or not, i have yet to do that! i've done it in a strip club, but never a car...weird.

    btw, i would be remiss if i didnt point out that those are very impressive.  

  10. Does on the trunk count?  Last summer, if I remember correctly

  11. A few weeks ago in the back of my female friends SUV

  12. Oh its been a while maybe a year  

  13. Does a Harley count as a Vehicle..?  If yes..then last week-end in the beautiful Ortega Mt's......♥

  14. Does a bed on wheels on hardwood floor count?  I'll bet it was going faster than that Corolla can.

  15. I have never done it in there.

    What am I missing

  16. Probably like last month.

  17. Seat's back, windows up, thats the way I like to F***!!!

  18. Let's see if I can resurrect this memory..ahh..let's say about 7 years ago? Maybe more? With my (ex) boyfriend in his Dodge Ram. We were camping.

  19. Before the gas prices got out of hand. We use to take some real nice drives going down country roads. Emphasis on Going Down. We like to get out and enjoy the nature too.

  20. I peeked at a couple of answers real quick...Food and Roy!!! You guys are nuts!

    Does a hummer count? I mean...I didn't get anything but we were in a vehicle. No it wasn't a Hummer. Oh nevermind...

  21. It's been a while, Cherry.

    Every time I try, Sweetie reminds me that that's why we bought a house.

  22. Sometimes that's the only private place we have when you have 6 teenagers around watching your every move so sneaking out of the driveway, going down a back road and doing the nasty isn't always a far-fetched idea for us. Ummm....last week?

    Sandy :O)

  23. LOL...

    like an hour ago??

    my dad drove me home from my friends house

  24. I don't know it's been so long...why are you asking me too?

  25. My husband and I "break in" every one of our cars. We got a little Chevy Cavalier (REALLY FREAKING SMALL!) in June and that was the last time. Does road head count?

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