
When's the last time you................

by  |  earlier

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had a hug???

and whats your sun/moon/rising?




  1. Can't remember.

  2. Not lately, but would like to have one huuuge!! I am Aquarius Sun, Moon in Geminis and Virgo rising...

  3. Hmm...It's been a few weeks I think. I'm sure I'll be getting some tomorrow when I visit my friends, though. I'm like you, I prefer to give them, than to receive them.

    Edit: Two thumbs down? What the heck people, did I offend anyone or something? Or is it just the trolls, lol.


  4. This morning.

  5. years ago 2 and i need one can u hug me please?


  6. Bout an hour ago I love hugs!! i love being in peoples arms! Especially in work i started there a mnth ago and im getting to no people but i got hugs off some of them and to me that shows me that people are comfortable with me! I also love to hug my friends when they are crying cos u cant beat a gd hug from someone who loves you!! Taurus

  7. Last week =/

    sun  libra

    moon cancer

    rising libra  


    here is a mini hug

  9. I've never had a hug.


  10. Like....I few hours ago I think.

    I know it was today though!

    Gemini Sun

    Libra Moon

    Cancer Rising

  11. yesturday but you can give me another if you'd like = D

    virgo sun

    cancer moon

    cancer rising

  12. I can't remember...I think a few hours ago, because I usually hug my boyfriend before he leaves to do whatever, but right now I'm not sure.

    And I'm not sure what my signs all are. I'm a sheep-Gemini-something.

  13. I like receiving hugs, I haven't had one since saturday. Wow, I have to hug someone soon.

    Sun: Leo

    Moon: Cancer

    Rising: Libra

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