
When's this so-called "Global WARMING", gonna start?

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Here in Indiana where I live, the Spinrgs seemed nice and normal and were t-shirt weather back in 2000 and 2001. Now in 2007 and 2008, they're actually COLD...

What gives? I thought the Earth was supposed to be getting warmer every year, NOT colder.

With how cold it's been here lately for Spring, I can't for Global Warming to actually start. I don't care what scientists say about trying to prevent it because all I know is this it's been jacket weather all March and April here and I'm not enjoying it, so I'm just looking forward to the weather getting warmer and back to normal like it was in the Spring of 2000 here.




  1. These people aren't very smart.

    I'm in the same situation.  I live in Wisconsin and it's been SNOWING these last few days.  They're saying Global Warming cools?  Then why would it be called Global Warming?  Helloooooo...?

    I think GW is a hoax too.  I remember in 1997, the summer in the UP of Michigan didn't get above 70 all summer long.  Then there were a couple of hot years, then it got cold again.  There's been a couple of years when it's warmer, then it's colder again (this year).  It seems like the climate warms and cools on its ity bity self, doesn't it?  

    As the next few years get as cold as this one, they'll realize.  GW is a hoax.

  2. global warming is a spoof created by scientists to get what all scientists are after...grant money! The world was created with a hole in the ozone, possibly for ventilation.  Climate changes are everywhere and I'd be willing to bet that this wouldn't be the first time the polar ice caps have melted, they'll just refreeze like they always do. so don't let any one get you with that global warming c**p. to the scientists behind this gag it's all a bank check that we as society are signing.

  3. You live in Indiana. It's cold there this time of year anyway (to me at least, I'm in the South), and a fourth of a degree shift in temperature is not going to alter that much.

    Global warming occurs on a massive, long-term scale- you won't notice the trends from year to year. However, it is evident when you look at it decade by decade.

  4. ok here's a little education, cuz apparently you dont know what global warming really is. . .

    global warming means that the Summers get hotter and winters get colder! it doesn't get hot all year round. the winters get colder and summers get hotter. that's what global warming really is.

    and its taking effect as we speak here in California last year around this time it was pouring rain and freezing cold. but this year its like 109 degrees. so as you can see its taking effect all ready.

    please educate others as well

  5. It is true that global data sets show a pronounced cooling from January2007 to January 2008 of slightly less than 0.7C.

    Similar dramatic falls occurred from 1998 to 1999, and from 1973 to 1974.

    So what caused this rapid cooling during 2007, and also from 1998 to 1999, and from 1973 to 1974? What was common to all those periods? In each case, the common factor was a rapid change from El Nino to La Nina conditions, from warm temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean to cold temperatures in the same region, which has a significant effect on global climate patterns and global average temperature.

    La Nina is associated with below-normal global average temperature, and because of its influence, 2008 is likely to be about 0.3C cooler than the average of the previous few years.

    It is well known (among climate scientists) that there are large inter-annual variations of global temperature caused by a number of factors, including El Nino, big volcanic eruptions, or just the chaotic variability of the climate system.

    It is not possible to make conclusions about long-term climate trends from inter-annual climate variations. Many lines of evidence support the conclusion reached last year by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that "warming of the climate system is unequivocal", referring to changes over the past 100 years. Even when we consider only the global average temperature during La Nina episodes, such as the present cool period, we find that we are experiencing the warmest global temperature of any strong La Nina episode in the past 100 years, again showing clear long-term global warming.

    Most of the increase in global average temperature over the past 50 years is due to the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This long-term increase in global average temperature will continue throughout the 21st century because of further increases in greenhouse gases. Yes, there will be year-to-year natural climate variations, with some colder years, but the long-term warming trend will continue.

    An ice age is definitely not going to occur in the 21st century. Instead, we will all need to make very large reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases if we are to minimise dangerous anthropogenic climate change.

  6. You've a good memory!

    At the moment the temperature is rising very slowly.

    About .005 degrees a year.

    As humans that is too small an increase to detect.

    So in about 50 years you might find a difference.

  7. Global warming has already started. Actually extreme weather is supposed to come before the "warming" part. I don't know about Indiana, but Illinois sure has had a crazy year for weather. In fact it was hailing earlier today.

  8. About 100 years ago.

    You're confusing local weather with global climate.  They are not at all the same thing.

  9. Global warming has been going on since 1850 when the planet emerged from an era known as the Little Ice Age.  It is part of a natural cycle that is most likely the result of variations in the sun's output.

  10. I think you're a little confused on exactly how global warming works. It's not going to jump 20 degrees in a year. The process is slow and gradual; the warming will also have on and off years due to the wind and water currents in the Pacific and how it affects the winds in the US.

    Long story short, keep polluting; it'll happen.

  11. It would be helpful if all these people who know far more about global warming than you or I could perhaps post or publish some information about impending changes for different locations.  There sure seem to be a lot of experts on the subject, I know I would appreciate it if they give us a heads up.

    It certainly would help you, say you are buying a pet.  Should you get something with short hair that will do well in Indiana's impending tropical climate, or would you be better off getting a Husky that will handle the near glacial conditions soon to engulf Indiana.

    I'm in a similar quandary.  Right now my home in Florida is safely inland from hurricane storm surges, but it is an hour from some really good beaches.  At what point in time will I get beachfront property, and when would be a good time to evacuate?  

    I'm sure you are as anxious as I to get this detailed information and are probably like me, a little miffed that the experts on global warming haven't been more forthcoming.

  12. Global Warming is often misconstrued as meaning that the weather is getting warmer everywhere. It does not. The correct terminology is Global Climate Change (GCC) . The term global warming was created because OVERALL the average global temperature of the earths surface is going to increase. This does not mean that your winters will be milder or your summers hotter. In fact many areas of the globe will see a steady decrease in temperature (winters being colder and longer etc).  So your colder winters could have been caused by Global Climate Change even though the average surface temperature of the earth is rising because global warming is just one factor of the over all problem - Global Climate Change

  13. Oh, you have gone and done it now,  looking out side at reality, why how dare you??????

    DOn't you know that it is enough to simply accept what ever they tell you is going on, as truth??????

    Surely you don't think that the UN and others might mislead you now do you?

  14. It is a slow process and only the average temperature will increase.  You will still have warmer years and colder years, just he average of the years will increase.  Also not all scientist believe it will result in a long term Global Warming event.  The last two Ice Ages started with a slow warming trend then switched to a rapid cooling period that resulted into an Ice Age.  By the historical Earth temperature patterns we should be in a cooling period right now, but it is warming.  Only time will tell, but we are sure to be in for some interesting times.

  15. First, your not going to notice it.  Global Warming is measured in tenths of a degree.

    Second, if you take into account this year and last year in the latest 100 year average, there is no global warming.

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