
When A Teacher Confiscates Something From A Student, Isnt It They're Responsibility?

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My Teacher Took My iPod And Loses It,

She Said She Won't Pay Me Back, And Said It Was My Fault For Losing It.

What Should I Do? Isnt It They're Responsibility To Look After It When Confiscated?




  1. That's a toughy.  I would look up your school's policies on such things.  Is it against the rules to bring them to school?  Oftentimes when you bring such things to school, you do it at your own risk.  However, since she took it into her possession, she took responsibility for it.  The decent thing for her to do would be to replace it.  I suggest you ask your parents to handle this. Expect the school to back her up initially, so it depends on how far your parents want to take it.  In the future, leave the ipod at home, or at least in your backpack.  They're expensive and don't belong at school.

  2. Absolutely. she took custody of it away from you, so if she lost it or it was stolen from her while in her possession she or the district need to pay up. If I was your parent I would not be happy that you did anything to make her feel the need to take it. However that would not stop me from seeking reimbursement from the school.

  3. If I took an expensive item away from a student, and then it disappeared, I would feel obligated to replace it.  But, where was your brain when you decided to bring an expensive item to school, and get caught using it at an inappropriate time?  I would cut my loses, and be more responsible in the first place.

  4. yes it is and you need to talk to someone whose has higher authority then her and talk to them about i would be b itching all day if that happened or just tell your parents to call the school

  5. you were wrong for bringing it to school.

    you were wrong for using it at an inappropriate time and getting it confiscated.

    no, the teacher shouldn't have lost it but if you hadn't brought it in the first place she wouldn't have had the opportunity.  suck it up and realize you made the errors that caused all this.  learn from your mistake.

  6. Talk to the higher ups, yes, it's her fault.

  7. How can she say it is your fault? Yea it is your fault for bringing it to school, but she took it, she lost it. You were suppose to be able to pick it up , from the Principal at the end of the day. Or your parent does.

    She needs to replace it, she lost it.

  8. Yes, you need to talk to the should be punished for having it and brining it to class but her taking it and loosing it that's all her. She has to replace it or find it....if not then sue her!! You should get it back totally!

  9. It was not your fault for losing it, she took it :@!

    You'll need to tell a teacher e.g the headteacher and just see what they say. Tbh to avoid that kinda stuff u just shouldn't take things to school.

    I would be p*ssed off like!

  10. You had no business bring it to school.

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