
When Al Gore conserves energy?

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will you then conserve also?




  1. maybe we all can just move into one of al's would be better if that energy used to run his homes were being used by living things .

  2. I do conserve because I am not a wasteful person, not because of  "global warming."    I find Al Gore to be a hypocrite and a buffoon.

  3. I will conserve energy whether Al Gore does or not. I will conserve energy regardless of who does or doesn't because I believe it's in the best interests of this planet and its inhabitants to do so.

    For too many years we have poisoned our air; polluted our waters; ruined our mangrove forests; asphalted over our most valuable farmlands; destroyed our rain forests; depleted our ozone layer; refused to REuse, REduce and REcycle; practically exhausted the Earth of all its natural resources; over fished our oceans; and tossed our trash into landfills that will eventually leak into our water tables.

    It's time for all of us to conserve energy, NOT just because someone else does - or doesn't - do it, but because it's the right thing to do for our children, our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren, who will have to live with the results of our squandering squalor.   -RKO-  12/09/07

  4. I am thoroughly disgusted with Al Gore and the nuts that seem to love him.

    Al Gore has turned Global Warming into nothing more than a ridiculous New Age religion.

    I have had enough of this Global Warming  nonsense and all of the idiots that seem to be involved in it.


  5. I try and conserve anyway. I care less what that idiot does.

    I don't belive in man produced CO2 causing global warming. I believe we need to get off foreign oil for our nations security. We need to curtail population growth, use smaller cars, smaller homes, convert power plants to nuclear, and change to Solar, Wind, etc. anywhere it is prctical to do so. Besides, an idiot knows pollution isn't good for us, so why not.

  6. Al Gore is a hypocritical sanctimonious nitwit.

    I am thoroughly disgusted with this band of do nothing welfare nitwits that are telling those of us who actually work for a liviing and lead productive lives that we are not doing enough to conserve energy.

    Too much of my money is already taken from me in the form of taxes to pay for their welfare payments and general assistance payments and payments for their mental health issues. .

    Since when do a bunch of illegal drug besotted welfare cheats have the right to tell the rest of us how to live?

    These clowns are the worst messengers for their cause. Al Gore is a ridiculous buffoon and a hypocrite and he surrounds himself with illegal drug besotted welfare cheats.

    I am thoroughly disgusted with the entire mess of them.

  7. I already conserve energy.  I take responsibility for my own actions and don't really give a darn what Al Gore does.

    I wish more people would stop obsessing over Gore and take responsibility for their own actions too.

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