
When Al Gore was pimping money from the Chinese during the 90s, did he ever talk to them about pollution?

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During the 90s, the Chinese were well on their way to becoming the #1 polluting country in the world, finally eclipsing the USA in 2005 and 2006. Do you think during all those meetings to get illegal campaign donations from them Al ever mentioned anything about Global Warming and the fact that the Chinese should have voluntarily included themselves in the Kyoto Accords? Or did he just take the money and run?




  1. the whole reason China polutes so much is because they have to make stuff the rest of the world doesn´t need but must buy (especially the US). Al is just like everyone else in America, hating the Chinese but not enough to make them stuff producing because where are they gonna buy cheap stuff from then?

  2. he has repeatedly they listened to him politely , they may have paid some attention which is more than they do to most

    so all in all he has been relatively effective

  3. Negative.

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