
When Can I touch my baby multimamilian Mice?

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My Mice are 2 weeks and 5 days old they have full coats of fur(except for the runt) and only some have opened their eyes, thanks to everyone who answered my last question about caring for them, To every one who read that question, the conclusion to my problems with that, Is that my mouse moved her babys down on her own. I now want to know if I can touch the ones that opened their eyes, or would their mother hurt them, should I wait until they're 3 weeks, should I just try?




  1. Once their eyes are open, the mother should be comfortable with you handling them. Definitely start socializing them young, so they'll be friendlier, well-adjusted adults.

    If these are multimammate mice (aka natal rats, African Soft Furred rats...lots of different names, all the same species) - many people breed them as snake food due to their small size and soft fur, and I've seen people handle babies that are even younger than that with no problem. They don't seem to be as sensitive to people handing their pups as some other rodents, like hamsters.

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