
When Christ was walking up Calvarys hill, ?

by Guest56747  |  earlier

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did he shout to the people to repent....?

was he bold as a Lion, or gentle as a Lamb?

If we are supposed to follow in his footsteps, take up our cross, etc...why would we do it differantly than he did? why are so many christians walking his path like a roaring Lion?




  1. John the Baptist shouted at people to repent and I envision Peter doing some of this.  "Listen to me people!!  If you do not accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you will face God's judgment and eternal h**l!"

    Sometimes, you have to wake people up when they're sound asleep.

  2. He went up with Jill to get a bucket of water.  : )

  3. Variety is the spice of life. We all have different personalities and strengths, and these strengths should be capitalized on and used to advantage. Martin Luther was a lion. Paul was a Lion.

  4. Can you is a man that never did anything wrong but was being crucified between two thieves...somehow that says it all for me.

  5. The pic of Jesus going up a hill in his sandals and bathrobe, carrying this giant oak cross, shouting at people to repent somehow tickles my funny bone

  6. Mother of Jez, Wow, what a title.  Sorry to hear about your daughter.  Hope you don't "go down" the same way.  (2 Kings 9)

    He might have been the lamb going to the slaughter but he was lion like in His faith.  He had traveled a long time to get to this point and considering His condition, I am amazed He could even walk.

    So I challenge you to measure up to what He did to walk up Calvary's hill.  Stop being the "arm chair quarterback".  Get up and do what He did and then tell us about His being a lamb.

    This same Jesus cleared the Temple with a rope that he made into a whip.  Not a small feat considered there were armed guards and many who set up their business there.

    This same Jesus called some vipers, hypocrits, and white washed tombs.  Jesus wasn't some milk toast character that responded to all situations the same way.  So to imply that being sheepish is Jesus' way is not to know Jesus.

  7. He was as a Lamb to the slaughter.

    We have already been given our approach attitude in 2 Timothy 2:24-25

    A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth.

  8. I think Jesus was probably in so much pain he would have had a very hard time speaking, let alone yelling, don't ya think.

    As for part 2 of your question, there's a really cool thing I learned in the Bible called Receive, Retain, Release. It goes like this.

    Receive the Word with meekness, Retain the Word with Conviction, Release the Word with Boldness. An adage to live by.

  9. My priest said he slithered like a sneaky snake.  

  10. He was always HUMBLE! gentle. He accepted His Father`s Will in peace, willing to do it, willing to save us from sin. And yes, we are supposed to take our daily cross in silence, in peace, we are supposed to follow His footsteps. May He help us!

  11. Perhaps not, as Simon the Cyrene was carrying the cross by then, and Jesus was too busy bleeding.

    Yet, before then, he had the temerity to physically throw out the money-lenders in the Temple.  Perhaps we should do a little table-tossing ourselves, then?

  12. No, John the Baptist shouted at people to repent, and change their hearts for the coming of the Lord. The Lord forgives those who are repentant. Who did Jesus tell us to teach, the sinners. We do not convict you of sin, God does. He also offers full pardon for those who will repent and accept Him. Some try to be gentle as told, yet they are at times met with the same hostility and anger as a fundamentalist who pulls no punches. Some just don't think they need any sort of redemption.

  13. They don't get it, sadly.  

  14. Love can do many things.  He still had love for His transgressors and did the will of the Father to the end quietly like a gentle lamb.  How wonderful it was to receive some comfort in seeing His Mother and Veronica to wipe His face and also the aide of simeon with the cross.  A great example for us all to look upon people who carry heavy burdens

  15. No one really knows of course but given the legendary brutality of the Romans, and the fact that even IF Jesus was God and felt no pain, he would have to pretend to (or else what sacrifice had he made?)...given all that, I'd say he was in no mood for being "bold". If he existed at all, Jesus probably died a miserable and slow death, from blood loss and slow asphyxiation. The Romans knew precisely how to kill you slowly, which was the whole point of execution.

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