
When Christians say they are going to be "praising God for all eternity"?

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What do you mean? Like "what" do you think you will be doing? Just sitting at God's feet forever telling Him how wonderful he is??

I am not trying to be rude, I am just trying to understand why Christians think this - and if there are others who think that too...

I am LDS.




  1. It would be like a church service that never ended... sounds more like h**l to me.

  2. Maybe this is what they do..

    Crazy...absurdly crazy.

  3. Not only that, but we will be nameless faceless "nothings" who can't recognize each other, or even recognize ourselves. That's what I was taught, when I was a Protestant.

    But, we will be WILDLY happy.

  4. I think "Mormons for jesus" asked this same question, not trying to diss her or the way, and the scriptures say we will be like th angels so I would say we will not stay in one place praising God al day and since angels acan float, fly, and go thru objects, I would say we can basically go places instead of worship all the time, I would go fly off to see a pulsar and a black hole now and again since the universee seems to be so vast.  

  5. They think they're getting mansions and all sorts of cool material goods, too. And perfect bodies.  Heaven is tailor-made for all the people who spent their earthly lives resenting those who were better off.

  6. Neither eye has seen nor ear has heard nor entered into the hearts of man the things prepared to those who love Him!

  7. Sounds like someone's not reading their bible. Maybe a whole lot of people. Yep, I'll be praising the Lord and doing so much more.

    I'll be living in New Jerusalem where the streets are paved with gold and I have my own mansion build by God to satisfy my every desire.

    With my new uncorruptible body I'll be able to transcend space and time – travel anywhere through anything, in a flash!

    I will visit earth on a regular basis to teach the new inhabitants about God's saving grace. That will be my new job – king and priest. Cool!

    But mostly I'll just be filled with joy. I will never feel pain again, in any form and I will be incapable of hurting others. I will live in peace.

  8. How do we praise God now?  Hopefully with all we do and think.  I don't think we will be singing and just sitting around telling God how wonderful He is.  Remember that He is also perfectly humble.  I think we will be so into the details of what God has made and how and why He made it and maybe even figuring out how to make some new stuff on our own that we won't have time to just sit around.  I hope we do get to do some singing and dancing but not for all eternity.

  9. Sounds like h**l to me

  10. God doesn't have feet because he is omnipresent and fills all space but if sitting at his feet, glorifying in all his beauty, majesty, and power is what he desires then I would gladly oblige.  Is this all we will do?  Probably not.  But i wouldn't mind it.

  11. LDS...Oh your planning to be the god of your own world..  good luck with that eh. I mean if Our God had to send his son to die for the mutts on this planet.  Whatcha you gonna have to do on yours?

  12. god loves his ego stroked

  13. We will simply be enjoying basking in the presence of his glory.  To be in the presence of the Lord and have his Spirit settle in and on you...there is nothing like it!  And to think that we will be in that secret place with him for all eternity is reason enough to praise him forever, not mention there being no more sickness, sorrow, death, pain, fighting, no more enemies, real or imagined.  It will be simply joy that cannot be contained or described!

    Good answer, Sovereign!!  Bravo!!

  14. Praise and worship does not mean singing and dancing and raising our hands to Him only. Worship and praise can be in the form of just doing what God created us to do and give thanks to Him.

  15. praising God for all eternity means just that--no not at his feet telling him that--but by living in heaven with our Lord living in Glory and honor of him--I have no clue what LDS means but, if you were really curious about Christians (and you are meaning to sound rude--no reason to add that on there) you would research it --look it up-read the bible..there are alot of ways to find out information on God & eternity rather than on yahoo answers~

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