
When Comcast comes to install my cable on Monday, can I get in trouble for having previously stolen cable?

by  |  earlier

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We decided to have cable with OnDemand and want the internet, so Comcast is coming Monday. Thing is, a friend hooked up our cable illegally a couple months ago (I didn't want this, boyfriend did). Am I in a pickle, and if so, how to get out of it?




  1. If the tech finds you hooked up illegally and reports it, you will face criminal charges. You are tapping someone elses cable line, therefore stealing it. Even if you werent installed now, eventually chances are it would be noticed if the victim had a trouble call and the tech noticed. The only way to "get out of it" is to unhook that line or else. All cable companies have departments that handle cable theft. The story of "my boyfriend" did it wont fly b/c you were a willing party & have been using the service. Grow up, stop stealing and being a petty thief, and resolve the situation. Is free tv worth going to jail for?

    from :

    What is theft of service?

    It is the unauthorized interception and/or receipt of any communications service offered over a cable system without the consent of the cable operator.  Cable theft usually occurs when an individual knowingly and willfully makes illegal physical connections to a cable system or alters (or installs) any unauthorized equipment so that the cable signal can be received without the authorization or knowledge of a cable operator.

    Any unauthorized person who intercepts or receives communications provided over a cable system may be penalized under the Cable Communication Policy Act of 1984 [47 C.F.R. 553(c)].  This includes the theft of audio, video, textual data, and any other service.  The law applies to manufacturers and distributors of equipment as well as to individuals.  Parties found guilty of cable theft are subject to both civil and criminal penalties, which may include substantial fines and/or time in prison.  If you know someone who is receiving cable service illegally, please contact us and let us know.

  2. Have your boyfriend or the friend who hooked it up disconnect it and remove all wiring added.

  3. Yes, you're in a pickle.  If the installer is nice, he'll just disconnect the illegal connections and be on his way.  If he's a stickler, he can report you and you will be liable for fees and can possibly be brought up on criminal charges.  The best way out of it is to have all of the illegal connections removed BEFORE the ComCast guy gomes.

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